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Comment Re:A business has the right... (Score 1) 232

"they can't refuse to sell it to you"

Actually most places can refuse service to anyone at any time. The law doesn't compel regular businesses to transact with specific individuals.

There's an inherent flaw in the concept. "No shoes, no shirt, no service" and no one gets upset. Refuse someone on a more personal basis and it gets a lot more complicated really fast.

Comment Unpopular opinion... (Score 1) 141

Cities exist party because that's where the work is.

That paradigm is changing. Sure many jobs require in-person activities. But a great many do not. The future of cities is changing and we got a glimpse of it during the pandemic. People wanted to move out into less dense areas. And that's what they will get as time moves on and things keep changing.

Mayors holding onto power, landlords wanting to sell office space, bad managers and downtown business... they all want you back at the office. And not because it's necessary, because it's good for THEM. They make money off of your being at the office. They sell that office space. They sell you your lunch. They dry-clean your clothes, etc.

It's time for us to accept that a lot of us can work from anywhere. Some businesses will close in downtown. That's social evolution. A lot more will open in places where the people have moved to. The natural evolution of work..

The times they are a' changin'. Time to get with the program or get left behind.

Comment Re:The cycle completes (Score 3, Insightful) 201

Define "useless".

Once under an American oligarch, it'll be more useful for the oligarchs certainly.

The illusion that Musk is somehow a virtuous pillar that only wants to do good for mankind is surprisingly well received. He claims that Twitter is the digital vision of free speech, and we cheer as he takes that power under his personal control.

Comment What if it was tickteable offence? (Score 1) 74

What happens then? How do the police officially shut down the car until it can be towed? What's the procedure when:

Police should be able to put a self driving car's tag into their system and order it to park itself and stand down from all operation, or even issue an emergency immediate shutdown.

Then they can make whatever arrangements need to be made based on the circumstances.

Comment Everyone keeps ignoring the tide shifting (Score 1) 143

Cities exist, partially, because of the concentration of work. But in today's world, much of that work does not need to be physically located in the city.

Sure, I get that lots of downtown businesses suffer when people work remotely. But much like buggies and whips, times change. More restaurants will pop up near residential areas as demand shifts from downtown to the burbs or out into other states/areas where people want to live. It'll all even out overall.

There's no reason I should spend 1 to 2 hours a day on commute. That's unpaid time I'll never get back. I have no need to maintain work clothes in order to get my work done. Saves on purchase expenses, cleaning, etc. I can have a nice meal in my house with my wife and not have to run down to the restaurant downtown on my lunch break. I have more free time and lower costs working from home and those are tangible benefits to me.

It's scary. Lots of bosses have no clue how to manage a remote workforce. But the time has come. I'm not saying that cities are dying, but keeping them alive by forcing people to come into work is like some kind of weird labor stimulus effort where people try to bend the market.

Technology has changed the work world, improvise, adapt or get left behind.

Comment Re:Just use RAW (Score 1) 162

All RAW files are much larger than lossless formats like JPEGs They store an incredible amount of sensor data on them that you can take full advantage of in Photoshop. These are the files that quote "real photographers" work with. My Nikon kicks out 80MB RAW files along with the usual JPEG file.
As I understand it for the iPhones, the computational adjustments are applied to the JPEG/HEIF file and not to the RAW file.

I'm not saying it's a perfect scenario for the average mom taking photos of her kids, but it's a standardized workaround for handling "in-camera unprocessed" data. Every digital camera except low end toy camera support it. And easier than buying a separate phone for pictures.

That said, Apple needs to provide a user selectable slider for "how much processing do you want to apply to this?" control.

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