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Comment they can do it right now (Score 1) 214

Just changing business dress-code from heavy suites to shorts and t-shirts, business style certainly. Allowing people to dry clothings outdoors on special dryers.

All is needed is a development of a new modern business style fashion and outdoor driers which look esthetically acceptable. It seems to be doable and relatively law-cost tasks.

Comment Re:Tipical russian (Score 1) 127

Here is an article where it is described in the first lines, but is it in Russian. You may translate it in English via, say, Google Translator:


Lenin lived for many years in Geneva and in Zürich. He was a revolutionary.

After Great French Revolution of 1789 people also changed a lot of things. For example, the metric system of measurements, which is used all over the world now. They also wanted to change an hour to 100 minutes, a year to 10 months, but this did not work out.

Comment Re:Tipical russian (Score 2) 127

I would say that Russian alphabet resembles ancient Greek one. At least, I was surprised that, knowing Russian, I could read names on ancient Greek stones.

Vladimir Lenin wanted to switch to Latin alphabet, but did not have enough time for this. He died in 1924, 4 years after the end of the Civil War.

English language and Latin alphabet are OK, are fine. But I enjoy ti read and watch movies in Russian too. It is not possible to compare. These are two different worlds.

I prefer to read a book in a language it was written on; the same about movies.

Usually, if someone starts to write in Russian language by Latin letters on a forum, it ends in a ban. No one does it anymore.

Comment first real western dissdents (Score 1) 915

Julian Assange is the leader of a world movement for freedom of expression. He is an inspiration to many around the world. This movement is loosely coupled via Internet.

What we see in Egypt, in Moscow, in Virginia, etc. is the direct result of his work.

Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are the first western dissidents. They continue the humanity's work of freedom and truth together with such courageous people as Natan Sharansky, Andrey Sakharov, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

American and Australian people be proud that mother-nature sent them this time to those parts.

Comment Re:quality of first images (Score 1) 220

I fly Ardrone2 http://ardrone2.parrot.com/ quadrocopter. It can record HD video on USB stick during flight.

I know that aerial videos are often interesting and revealing about an area. Why did not they make such a video on landing? We could see the Gale crater, Mount Sharp ourselves from above, with our own eyes, in high quality, in color. USB stick weighs about 10 grams (1/3 ounces).

Such videos could cause a real interest in society to exploration.

Comment Re:quality of first images (Score 1) 220

Why "Troll"? It would be a good marketing step to send an effective HD video and photos immediately on landing.

In this universe everything is marketing and selling. Everything. Since money was invented in Mesopotamia about 5000 - 6000 years ago.

The HD color camera weighs about 3 ounces (100 grams). 99% of people will never pay attention to the "Curiosity" anymore. But it had its chance on landing. The whole world was watching. I've heard people were saying on seeing first black and white blurry photos: "This is it?", "My phone makes better pictures."

And then complaints that they do not get enough money for missions.

Comment quality of first images (Score 0, Troll) 220

The first impression is important. All know that.

Then why Curiosity's first images are of worse quality than those of "Lunokhod 1" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunokhod_1 in 1970?

Yes the percentage of sulfate in rocks is important, but we want to see HD color images and HD videos from Mars. Real time. Not when someone important decides to release a black and white photo.

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