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Comment Re:Simple query question for Google (Score 2) 31

That's pretty much it. Google returns garbage just close enough to keep you engaged. eBay seemed to be the lone holdout for accurate searching. You type in a specific part number and boom that's what you get back. Now they went the google route and return close part numbers. So you better ctrl+f to double check or wrap it in quotes.

Comment Re:Simple query question for Google (Score 1) 31

I wasn't aware of this feature until someone told me about it. Besides wrapping quotes around words you want included, you have to get your page of shitty results back, click on Tools, then All Results, then change it to Verbatim. Now it starts listening to you again. Too bad you can't make this permanent. Hell these days when google returns shit I give Yandex a spin because it doesn't concentrate nearly as much on English language results.

Comment Re:HD Radio for AM (Score 1) 314

I briefly thought about buying an HD radio. It was several hundred dollars at the time and then came to my senses after realizing I'd just be hearing the same shit as regular radio but now in HD. I opted for satellite instead and still pay for a streaming subscription on my phone. Last time I heard a discussion about the biggest locat station it was how the playlist hasn't changed in three decades.

Comment Re:Welcome to the Communism!! (Score 5, Insightful) 257

While government fails to work, the private sector gets things done.
Our new video shows ways markets outperform even the best-meaning politicians.

Boeing is a prime example of what you get when the private sector is left to self regulate. Airplanes that nose dive and missing bolts with no paper trail. Business demands profit while government does not. How about the private healthcare industry in this country? We pay massive amounts for healthcare and still aren't in the top 10 for metrics like lifespan and infant mortality. The playbook is cutting government funding to make it intentionally shitty and then claiming government doesn't work. Well yeah when you actively hamstringing the people you represent. This opens the door for all you buddies with businesses to take over what the government was doing so they can profit at the tax payers expense. I certainly haven't seen any evidence of privatization helping consumers.

Comment Re:I suspect this law isn't really about porn (Score 5, Insightful) 145

It's about control. People are looking at porn in the privacy of their homes and that makes Jesus weep. They're already working on censoring the internet because people might google abortion.

From the Help! social media is censoring us! crowd.

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