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Comment Re:Dumb (Score 1) 237

Auditory feedback gives you much more information than inferring something from knob position. How many clicks before I've got the radio in AUX mode? I always have to look.

I'm hard of hearing, you insensitive clod.

Comment Re:prove that the program works (Score 1) 189

So, you're saying that the rules of production are axioms too. Still doesn't change what I said. But, you do arrive at the same endpoint that I arrived at, which is that if you don't accept some of them at some point, you'll wind up back at my original point.

otherwise you'd be arguing with solipsists over every detail, no matter how blindingly "obvious"

Anything new to add?

Comment Re:Apologies to Douglas Adams (Score 1) 149

That's just revisionism (they tried awfully hard not to let go); the correct parallel is Aesop's The Fox and the Grapes.

One hot summer's day a Fox was strolling through an orchard till he came to a bunch of Grapes just ripening on a vine which had been trained over a lofty branch. "Just the thing to quench my thirst," quoth he. Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and a jump, and just missed the bunch. Turning round again with a One, Two, Three, he jumped up, but with no greater success. Again and again he tried after the tempting morsel, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: "I am sure they are sour."

Comment Re:prove that the program works (Score 2) 189

Proof is absolute, within the confines of the accepted axioms. Within the larger scope of things, we accept proof probabilistically, and this includes the entire works of every mathematician ever to live. Bayesian stats attempts to capture this idea that knowledge is never absolute, but merely held with probabilistic certainty, and all things are based on axioms (inherently unprovable, but assumed to be useful) ultimately. I only gripe (and boy is it a really fine, pedantic gripe), because your comment commits the same error you attack. Math/logic is a model, not reality. Models are based on necessary assumptions (axioms), otherwise you'd be arguing with solipsists over every detail, no matter how blindingly "obvious". This trend toward claiming that a mathematical proof or a scientific theory is "absolute" violates the very premise on which they're based.

Comment Re: The day before Fukashima happened (Score 2) 166

If they had put the generators behind (uphill) the main building AND put the generators in a water RESISTANT building, all would have been fine. If they had installed the hydrogen traps most of the problems (the earth shattering kaboom) would have been avoided. If they had followed their engineers advice and dumped sea water on the core, most of the bad problems would have been avoided.

All of those improbable problems would probably have been mitigated if TEPCO had competent upper management. Now, how likely is that?

Comment Re:Statute of limitations (Score 3, Insightful) 467

What's more, the cops should figure out a way to get him at least a few menial jobs where he is paid in food so he can feed his family without having to resort to stealing.

Ah, so the police are social workers as well? They'll be glad to know that. Think about that for a moment. Yes, the police should have compassion towards people, but no, they aren't mommy, daddy, the rich uncle and everyone else in the extended family. They're police.

In this case, they did the absolute minimum needed. They arrested her, then let her go. She will probably end up with a small fine and a slap on the wrist - as befits the crime of stealing a VHS tape. Life goes on.

Apparently, however, there is little life left in Slashdot. Is this newsworthy at all? It's basically click bait. Come on guys, there are better articles in this in the Firehose.

Comment Re: War on American Citizens (Score 1) 162

As you said, American Law Firm. You keep saying it, but I'm not sure how you keep missing it.

Are you trying to suggest that spying on Americans is okay? And that we should violate the attorney-client privilege of those Americans, which exists both here and in Indonesia?

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