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Submission + - Movie Trailers Are Getting Insanely Fast... (wired.com)

antdude writes: This brief/short Wired article, with its interactive chart and embedded YouTube videos, shows "Movie Trailers Are Getting Insanely Fast. Trust Us, We Counted the Cuts. — The Claim: Trailers Are Getting Faster

Film critics have long lamented the degradation of moviegoers’ attention spans. Movies, they say—and their mini-versions, trailers—have gotten more manic and misdirected in their quest to appease ADD audiences.

We wanted to quantify such claims. So we took to YouTube and counted the number of cuts in 154 trailers over the decades—a sample of Oscar winners, top grossers, and personal favorites..."

Seen on Dark Horizons.

Comment Re:It's clever, no? (Score 4, Insightful) 577

Coal plants have already been shutting down due the fact that natural gas is cheaper. Since we've been building natural gas plants, our carbon emissions are down to 1990's levels. Funny thing, we didn't even sign Kyoto, yet we did better than most (all?) countries in reducing carbon.

Comment fluorescent lighting (Score 1) 532

I still hear people complaining about fluorescent lighting despite the fact that CLF's have electronic ballasts that use extremely high frequencies. I could understand the old, old lights that used magnetic ballasts, but CLF's? Really? Seriously? People can see 40,000Hz on a properly working tube bulb? It is not like a monitor with tiny phosphors where I could see the scanning. LED's flicker way more than I ever noticed fluorescent lights. To make matters worse, LEDs are used in many more places! I noticed the flickering from the taillights in newer cars, gadgets, LED equivalent bulbs that dim, etc.

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