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Comment Re:Didn't like it (Score 1) 211

I don't understand why writers feel it is necessary for them to retcon an established story's past.

I don't understand why people complain about retconning things in a show about time travel. Changing the past is an intrinsic part of the show.

Comment Re:Watched (Score 2) 211

The Zygon framing story set up the solution to the Time War - the Warrior Doctor said as much when he remarked that the Ghost of Christmas Future didn't just take him to any future, it took him to the future he needed to see - i.e. it led him to the solution by specifically showing him the Zygon event. The Zygon framing story showed the audience how a stasis cube is used to freeze something in time (via the paintings), and it showed how the Doctor can take advantage of his multiple incarnations to perform a task that would normally take centuries (via the door unlocking), which were used to a) end the Time War in a different way and b) to provide an excuse for involving all of the Doctor's incarnations.

Comment Re:Fan of capitalism (Score 5, Insightful) 445

The problem I have with Bill Gates is essentially the broken window fallacy. Microsoft had a stranglehold on the computer industry. They held back the computer industry by years. A decade even! In the web development industry alone, we're still shaped by the impact Internet Explorer 6 left - which was released in 2001, twelve years ago. What economic value would Be Inc. have brought? What charitable donations would have resulted from that company? Or Netscape? Or any of the tens of thousands of companies Microsoft had a deleterious impact upon?

He has since spent some of the money he earned holding back some of the most important industries in the world trying to help people. That's good. He didn't have to do that. But people judge that work as if it stands alone. It doesn't. The work he does with the money he has comes at the expense of the tens of thousands of companies that were held back or destroyed by the illegal and monopolistic actions he took.

I think it's unlikely that, economically speaking, the actions he took were a net win for society. Yes, once he had the money, he did good things with it. But the cost to society for him to obtain that money is far too high in my eyes. Higher than the value he brought.

Essentially, he took it upon himself to be Robin Hood. He stole from the rich - Western society - to give to the poor. However I don't see any reason to believe that the theft he perpetrated - the value he stole from society - was less than the value he brought to society. And I don't think it was his right to commit those crimes to do those things.

By all means, judge him for what he has brought to society. But you should not do that without judging him for all that he has took from society as well.

Comment Re:Still inferior and twice the price (Score 1) 243

The sucky app management I was referring to was that every installed app is automatically on a home screen. That's a shitty thing.

For you perhaps, but it's exactly the right thing to do for most users. Average users don't install hundreds of applications. When they install an application, it's better for them to have it immediately available than tucked away somewhere they have to go find it. If they do use a lot of applications, they can easily move it out of the way.

Folders don't help.

Why not? You have your most frequently used applications on your home screen, and the rest are available when you tap on an icon. How is that different to what you are doing with Android?

Comment Re:Still inferior and twice the price (Score 1) 243

Removing applications has been this awkward on every Android device I've owned. Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, Sony Xperia Pro, HTC Desire Z, and Google G1. Another phone too somewhere in the middle, but I can't remember off the top of my head which it was. This isn't a problem that is limited to a single manufacturer's customisations, they have all been pretty shitty.

Comment Re:Still inferior and twice the price (Score 2) 243

I'm curious what you mean by "sucky app management". One of the things that really bugs me about Android is that the standard way of removing an app from a device is to go into Settings > App Management > Pick the app > Uninstall, which then pops up a dialog box confirming deletion. On iOS, I just have to tap and hold the app icon, then tap the x, which makes the app disappear instantly. iOS seems to have the clear advantage there.

not have every damn app as an icon on a home screen

Put your apps in a folder. It becomes the functional equivalent of the app drawer on Android, except you can have as many as you want and give them names.

And of course, once you take into account normal use patterns not Slashdotter use patterns, iOS seems to have even more of a lead. When you install apps, they appear on your home screen by default, not hidden away in the app drawer. That's far more sensible for normal users. And you do realise that downloading torrents on your phone is an extremely niche use pattern, right?

Comment Re:OK let's get something straight here - (Score 4, Insightful) 211

There's lots of problems with Facebook, but let's not pretend you're completely helpless about other people's photos of you.

If you're tagged in a photo, you can exercise your privacy controls over it. If you aren't tagged in the photo, a prospective employer isn't going to see it when they look at your profile.

Comment Re:Roll your own authentication guys (Score 1) 251

judging from the number of accounts you have with Big Data Aggregators, I'm afraid you might be blind to it.

My company develops Android, Facebook and Twitter applications. Exactly how do you propose I avoid having Google, Facebook, and Twitter accounts?

Every account where you have an authentication from somewhere else serves only to increase your vulnerability to having the account hijacked.

My Google, Facebook, and Twitter accounts are all configured to use two factor authentication. The simplest way of hijacking them is to have a) my password, b) my phone, and c) my fingerprint. A username and password for Feed.ly doesn't make me safer, it's just an inconvenience.

Comment Re:This is not a fair comparison (Score 1) 310

That's $99 per year, to even be able to try coding for iOS.

That's not true. It's free to download Xcode, free to develop applications, and free to run them on the iOS simulator. You don't have to have a paid account to learn how to develop for iOS. The fee is to publish applications in the App Store and on devices.

Plus, you need a recent/current Apple computer running the current MacOS to run the dev tools on.

The multi-platform thing, I'll grant you. As for recent, well you need a Mac from 2007 onwards. The oldest I've personally tried was 2008, and it was a bit slow, but perfectly usable for professional purposes. Try running the Android emulator on a six year old computer - it's incredibly slow on brand new ones.

Comment Re:Roll your own authentication guys (Score 2) 251

I don't want to notify my Google+ circles that I just added something to my feeds, and inevitably that's what will happen.

It's not inevitable. When I added a feed in the old Google Reader it didn't tell anybody I was doing it. Just because Google has Google Plus, it doesn't automatically translate that each and every action you take while authenticated must necessarily be shared. Even if you assume that is the case, the whole reason why the Circles feature is designed the way it is is because Google acknowledge that it's not appropriate to share everything with everybody. You're literally taking a feature that is designed to limit sharing and ascribing to it the opposite intention.

They want to tie your Feedly account to some other social network to increase its marketing value to them. The more interconnections they can associate with your account, the more valuable it is to them.

Do you have any evidence for this or is it just your supposition? When I build a website, I prefer to use third-party authentication schemes because it's the right thing to do. I don't give a shit about marketing value, I give a shit about not pushing yet another login system on people when there's no need for it.

Comment Re:This is not a fair comparison (Score 4, Informative) 310

Open: Android is "open" in the "open cathedral" sense. It's very difficult to just jump in, make a few alterations, and see the changes running on your device.

Wait, are you an app developer or an OS developer?

I'm not talking about the technical difficulty in writing a patch. I'm talking about the difficulty in applying a patch in practical terms. If I want to, say, modify my Xperia Pro so that a particular application that is useless to me isn't forcibly bundled, it's far more difficult than it should be.

Apple can make you waste vast amount of money developing something only for it to be blocked, and then copied by Apple themselves. That's more than a big deal. It's hard to get projects approved when managers see this happening.

I deal with people who commission apps on a regular basis. Unless the entire concept of an application is forbidden by Apple (e.g. porn), it's never been a deal breaker.

But with Android, you have to contend with thousands of different models, each with their own shitty customisations that break things.

Only if you are a terrible programmer. Like most operating systems Android runs on multiple platforms and offers stable APIs to interact with that hardware.

Which means nothing when vendors customise the implementations of those APIs and break them. It's all very well saying that, say, the API to draw a control on screen is the same across all devices, but if one device draws the control and another doesn't bother, that's kind of a problem.

Can you provide any concrete examples of standard Android API functions that are broken on popular Android devices?

I don't remember the full details, but the most egregious problem we had was that radio buttons simply weren't showing up on one device. At all. On another device, the rendering was completely fucked in some way, something like being a tenth of the size they should be or something. The code was right, and the application worked just fine on most of our test devices. But on some, they simply didn't work right due to vendor customisations.

99% of the time, it's when the client is asking for us to do something user-hostile.

You mean like develop an alternative HTML rendering engine, or set up their own app/book/music/video store, or write a better SMS messaging system, or port their keyboard from Android, or some nefarious scheme like that?

Let's be straight here: I'm describing what Apple's policies mean for us in practice, and I'm reporting what clients actually ask us to do. You are scraping everything you can think of that Apple has ever rejected together. I'm sure there are lots of business plans that have fallen by the wayside in the five years Apple have been running the App Store. But that doesn't mean that they are a significant percentage of the apps people actually want to create.

No client has ever asked us to develop an alternative HTML rendering engine. Why would they? Besides, Apple don't have a problem with an alternative HTML rendering engine.

No client has ever asked us to set up their own app store. There are book stores on the App Store already, there's no rule against having a book/music/video store.

Alternative SMS messaging systems aren't against Apple's rules. I've got one on my phone right now.

No client has ever asked us to replace part of the system like a keyboard. If you have an application that needs a custom keyboard, you can implement one for your application, but you can't replace the keyboard in other people's applications.

When I say that the things clients ask us to do are things that are user-hostile, I'm talking about things like hooking into Safari to show adverts to people while they browse, or spamming everybody in the address book via SMS. These are the things that I see Apple's policies preventing over and over again.

many of the newer features in Android are available via non-OS updates that everyone gets via Play.

No, not everyone gets via Play. You're confusing Play with Android. You don't have to license Play to deploy Android.

And no, having some extras bolted on top of an old operating system is not the same thing as being able to rely on a more recent version. I already provided an example that no Play upgrade would fix.

This really isn't the big issue crap programmers make it out to be.

You are repeatedly insinuating that we are crap developers simply because I am pointing out problems with Android. You might want to think about that.

if a feature isn't available in Gingerbread there probably isn't any point trying to hack around it because devices of that age won't support it anyway.

You're making my point for me!

It takes less than a year for about 95% of iOS users to upgrade to the latest version.

Yes, and now you get complaints that your app is dog slow because the OS runs like a dog on older hardware, but users were not clever enough to block the update and can't downgrade.

No, actually. Not once.

Simple solution, don't buy from shitty vendors.

What are the non-shitty Android vendors? Because I was buying flagship phones with good reviews from mainstream vendors like Sony. And if you were paying attention and knowledgable about Android, you'd know that at least one of my phones was direct from Google.

I dislike the controlling attitude of Apple and I dislike how much power they have in the mobile market.

No, you love it.

And this is the point at which it's not worth talking to you any more. Once you stop arguing against what I am saying, and put words in my mouth that are the opposite of what I believe, there really isn't much discussion to be had.

Comment Re:Roll your own authentication guys (Score 1) 251

As a user, what benefit would them having their own authentication system give me? I've already got a Google account. I've already got a Twitter account. I've already got a Facebook account. If they provide those options, that's one less moving part for me to manage. If they create their own authentication system instead, I've got yet another thing to set up.

Even if we assume that prospective users have none of the above, they've still got to set up an account somewhere. Why should they authenticate with Feedly rather than one of the other systems?

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