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Comment Re:Open? People break both open. (Score 1) 864

What are, in your opinion, three applications that I am missing on the iPhone, that really should be there ? I've heard this claim of "tons of apps", but nobody follows it up with "for example, ********, is the best application for ******, but Apple wouldn't let it in the store". I have no idea what I am missing out on.

Comment social lives (Score 0, Troll) 348

People with iPhones are more likely to have social friends, as opposed to people that seek out the most open, developer friendly phone. People with friends are more likely to party and drink. People with developer friendly phones are likely to sit in a padded chair in their home. Drunk people drop phones a lot, even in traffic. Developer people drop phones too, but on couches, tables, and carpeted floors. That is my theory.

Comment Re:Happy and satisfied (Score 1) 298

You know nothing of freedom. Rights are not granted, we are born with them. People don't have rights revoked, rights aren't revokable. People not able to exercise their rights are oppressed. I've demonstrated in solidarity with oppressed people for the better part of my adult life. I consider that a better way to protect people than using a more open app store on my phone. I guess we all fight for different causes. Good luck with yours.

Comment Re:Happy and satisfied (Score 1) 298

I used my freedom and free will to sign the contract. I think you have freedom confused with something else. I knew what I was getting when I walked into the store. I participated in the free market. Don't equate my choices with supporting a government intrusion, Apple didn't intrude into my life. I had to go out of my way to make the purchase.

Comment Re:EASY FIX (Score 1) 709

If there is an open beer in a car, you can't prove the driver was drinking.
If there is a call or text using the drivers phone from within the car, you can't prove the driver did it.
If there is any phone activity within the car, you can't prove the driver did it.
Phone use in cars causes accidents, and the solution is to remove the cars from the possession of drivers who endanger everyone else. Having to listen to someone else on the phone is still a distraction to the driver, so it really doesn't matter if the owner or someone else is using the phone. Numerous studies show that half conversations take attention away from people who can hear them, thus, by allowing this to take place in a vehicle you control is putting others at risk. I don't think it matters who is using the phone, if a phone is in use in your car, and you crash, you should lose your car.
Besides :
1) Most cars are single occupant these days during the commute hours when most accidents happen, so it won't even be an excuse for most people.
2) Most passengers are either kids, who aren't calling or texting your contacts on your phone. Again,
3) Most other passengers are adults with their own phones.
People can drive without a license. Take the vehicle.

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