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Comment No kidding (Score 4, Insightful) 155

This seems to be a way to try and take a case where the US is doing decent and instead make it bad and hate on the US. So the US is 4th, out of 196 nations, some of which have very little infrastructure? Sounds like it is doing s decent job to me. Particularly since the US has a ton of infrastructure, some of it older (given that the Internet started in the US) and that the IPv4 shortage is not as acute there since the US has a lot of blocks allocated to it.

The US doesn't have to be first in everything, it isn't a case of "anything other than first is a failure."

IPv6 adoption is going to be a slow process. There's a lot to doing it right. In particular you find plenty of equipment either flat out doesn't support IPv6, or doesn't support it in hardware, meaning that it can't do much of it without falling over.

Comment Why should we anti-alias though? (Score 1) 286

It is, at the very best, nearly as good as having a higher resolution and usually not. Also to do it properly, as in real supersampling, you use the same amount of memory and pixel operations as you would to actually render at a higher resolution.

Hence, ultimately higher resolution displays are the right answer. I'm not saying you need to run out and buy one RIGHT NAO!!! but it is the direction we would like to see technology moving. We shouldn't have to fuck with tricks to mask pixels, they should be so small they are optically hidden.

Also go have a look at a high DPI display sometime, compare the fonts to a normal one. You'll see the difference, and modern fonts are anti-aliased to all get out (even going so far as to use subpixel antialiasing).

Comment It's not ionizing (Score 2) 172

mmW is very low frequency, relatively speaking. Remember visible light is in the 750-380nm range and it is (obviously) non-ionizing. mmW, also called terahertz radiation, since that's the range it is in, is obviously much lower frequency. It is below infrared, but above microwave.

As such it is non-ionizing, and there is no reason to believe that it could cause any damage, other than thermal damage, and then only if done in large quantities in a short time. There was a paper that claimed it could "unzip" the DNA double helix, however it was based on a simulation, without experimental verification and later analysis has concluded this won't happen at the temperatures in the body.

The reason why it wasn't widely deployed to begin with is, as it often is, nepotism. Rapidiscan makes the X-ray scanners, L3 makes the mmW ones. Michael Chertoff, the homeland secretary at the time, had ties to Rapidiscan.

Comment He's just another anti-American Slashtard (Score 3, Insightful) 351

There's plenty on Slashdot, most who live in America. any time there's a discussion of a foreign country, they feel the need to steer it back to America and do so by hating on America. Near as I can tell it is a combination of two things:

1) Trendiness in hating the US. For some reason, they feel that "cool" thing to do (so to speak) is to hate on the US. If anything is bad anywhere, they need to find a way it is worse in the US.

2) Arrogance/self centeredness. They can't deal with a discussion that isn't about them or their experiences, so they have to steer any discussion back to the US so it is. They mentally justify it to themselves as pointing out the US's flaws, but it is really about making the discussion about them and their world.

There's sadly a lot of it on Slashdot, it often gets moderated up, and it can make it difficult to have a real discussion about problems in the rest of the world.

Comment Because it makes money work (Score 1) 300

Money isn't something magic, it is just a theoretical construct for facilitating trade. So money is working properly when it does that well, and is not working properly when it doesn't. Deflation works against a currency, it makes it not work well as money. When things continually deflate, it makes people hoard money which is bad. Remember when people aren't spending money what is really happening is that trade isn't going on. Money is only useful if it gets spent. If everyone has a big pile of anything that they just sit on, it isn't actually money.

You need to get past the idea that money is something special or magical, it is just our way of facilitating trade.

Also deflation is something that rather fucks over the poor in favour of the rich. Deflation means that wealth gains over time, so if you have money, you get more simply by doing nothing. It makes loans of any sort of term rather impossible. I mean can you imagine taking out a 30 year mortgage, knowing that every year that payment would get harder and harder to afford? For that matter people can become very unwilling to lend money at all, since they can get a guaranteed return just by holding it.

If you think deflation is good because it makes the amount in your piggy bank worth more, well you need to go and take ECON 200. You need to learn a bit more about how money actually works in the world. Most important, you need to understand that money itself isn't anything, it is ephemeral, it can be represented using metal, salt, rocks, teeth, paper, bits (and has been all those things), it is just a theory we use to allow for an infinite level of indirection in time and space with a trade. The real economy is people doing things, making things, fixing things, inventing things. Money is just our way of working out who gets what.

Comment Yep (Score 1) 300

And a number of the websites people like to point out when they claim how useful Bitcoin is are nothing but sites that will let you buy gift cards for major sites. Not only is that not shopping in Bitcoin (they convert your BTC to USD then buy an Amazon gift card, Amazon doesn't take BTC) but they charge upwards of 5% to do it, whereas Amazon is happy to sell you gift cards direct for no additional fee.

So far, I haven't seen ANY site that actually uses BTC as a currency, only a payment system. Big surprise, with the volatility, who would want to accept it as money? The only way it is usable is to immediately convert it to a stable currency.

Comment Aero is there (Score 1) 800

Glass isn't. Aero, the desktop composition engine, is present in 8 and is more powerful than ever. If you give it a WDDM 1.2 driver it is really fast and capable... and then it gets used to composite ugly, flat, graphics. Aero Glass is the neat transparent effect that Windows 7 had, and that's what they took away, for whatever reason.

If you want that kind of thing back, Stardock has a beta of Windowblinds for Windows 8 and it can do that kind of thing.

Comment If it takes 5 minutes to reboot... (Score 2) 800

Your system has a problem. I have 8 on a few systems (what with being a Windows sysadmin) and none take near that long. My home system takes 20ish seconds, but it is a SSD with UEFI boot which makes it pretty speedy. My desktop at work takes about 40 seconds, the VMs take about 60 seconds. This is time form me hitting restart until the login screen is displayed.

So, in the event you are continuing to use Windows 8, or even if you aren't, you really should troubleshoot that system because it isn't the OS that is related to the boot time. It boots fairly quickly in most situations, and really quickly when given new hardware (since it can UEFI boot).

Comment Yep (Score 1) 800

When it does, you suddenly stop hating it. Stardock has a program that makes Metro apps do just that, called Modern Mix. They go from annoying to being just any other program when you use it. Not that there are really any amazing Metro apps, but they become just programs like any other with this and you can use them without any issue.

Now given that Stardock was able to implement this rather quickly and easily as a third party, this means there's no real technical reason they are full screen only in 8, it was a marketing decision. On a desktop system, the desktop should have the place of primacy, and it doesn't in 8. You have to knock on a couple of 3rd party tool (Start 8 and Modern Mix) to get that which is silly.

Comment No shit (Score 1) 147

It is also common in the industry, to improve on something on an existing process. Intel does it every tingle process with their tick-tock strategy. They make a new process and release a chip with a largely existing design on it, then they make a new design on that process that is more efficient, then a new process, and so on. You see it with the GPU makers, they release updates outside of when the process shrinks and so on.

There was never anything saying that increasing transistor count was the only way to increase performance.

Comment You've maybe heard of inflation? (Score 1) 316

Games now are cheaper than they were when they were on the SNES. $50 in 1993 dollars is like $78 today. Also budgets for games have gone WAY up.

Also I'm not sure where you are getting $80 for new releases (presuming we are talking US dollars). $60 is what games seem to be going for checking stores currently.

I do agree the no used games thing is bullshit, and I'm hoping someone takes them to task on that (sounds like the EU may) however the pricing is not out of line. Making a game isn't cheap, and they tend to provide pretty good entertainment for the money. If you want cheaper games, with lower production values, you can have that too with indy games and B-list publishers like Paradox Interactive. However with first flight games, well the cost has to be paid somehow.

Comment When it is MS doing something (Score 4, Insightful) 316

It is bad on Slashdot. People here love to hate MS, so if MS takes the long view on something, that's bad. If they take the short view on something else, that's also bad. It is a matter of zealotry, not fact.

In fact MS has been good at the long view idea for quite some time. When they get in to a market, often their first showing isn't that impressive. Many companies who do that say "Oh well, guess we can't compete," and fold. MS sticks with it, keeps improving, keeps trying. They don't always do that, and when they do they don't always succeed, but they've done it a lot.

Comment Ya you are in alignment with them (Score 1) 590

You are shilling for them. You created a brand new account, just to post in this thread. It is transparent shilling. You might want to be a little more cautious in the future on geek type forums. The posters often know how to check up on other posters, shit like this is real easy to notice.

So fuck off PETArd. You are fooling nobody.

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