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Comment Re:Wolf subspecies and vegetation (Score 2) 430

Newsflash, In the wild catching prey is hard. wolves will eat fruit and veggies as a 'desperation move' they biologically get very little nutrition out of it. this doesn't mean you should feed fido your strict vegan diet.
cats are strict carnivores and only eat grass to induce vomiting. which in a side note is an interesting case of animal self medication..

Comment Re:I'm sold for better or for worse. (Score 1) 121

That is actually an interesting question.
Intel approached trump for some favors and in return they would build a new fab plant in the united states adding a few thousand jobs.

I doubt intel will do this, but they could go whine to him about big bad amd costing them and preventing them from making the fab plant.. Interesting times..

Comment Re:Sexist (Score 1) 4

Nothing was really stopping them from entering those fields to begin with. The tools are available to anyone, there are no gender checks to prevent access to them.
The only thing determining it is the interests of the girls and women. So this just screams of sexism because it's the 'in' thing to virtue signal and help the /s/ poor womenz /s/.

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