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Comment Identity Theft or Physical Theft (Score 4, Insightful) 459

If it's physical theft I would think they would bin the HDD or sell it "as is" without even looking at what's on it. Bricking it doesn't do a lot, you'd probably just replace the HDD anyway.

Identity theft is more worrying. Why not encrypt the HDD with something like Fedora / Ubuntu offers - ie an encrypted /home or MyDocuments. That way the laptop won't log on for the thief.

Comment Easier option (Score 1) 297

Would it not be easier to approve individuals than spend time unapproving anyone not from your little community. Do you threaten the intruders with pitchforks whilst crying "Are you local????".
Facebook is open to the world, but still manages to sustain small communities / groups. It's not impossible.

You could restrict your website to - that's very local. Or you could wire all the houses together on a private subnet.


Submission + - OSL claims BSD is CopyLeft and Non GPL compatible

allan1956 writes: In a January 2007 paper from Open Source Law "BSD — THE DARK HORSE OF OPEN SOURCE" Brendan Scott writes that the BSD license, contrary to common wisdom, may in fact require derived works to be reciprocally licensed under the BSD. The conclusion also proposes that if the analysis were correct the BSD would not be compatible with the GPL. (http://opensourcelaw.biz/publications/papers/BSco tt_BSD_The_Dark_Horse_of_Open_Source_070112lowres. pdf)
Media (Apple)

Submission + - Developing apps for the iPhone?

abes writes: Since Steve's keynote on the iPhone, the media has been celebrating the next big thing(TM). Meanwhile, looking through posts on the tech sites, there have been many complaints about being tied to Cingular, it not being 3G, being overpriced, and (the same old) issues with the battery. One thing that has barely been mentioned is the openness of the system. If it's going to function as a PDA, it seems fair to have other people develop applications for it (document viewer, scientific calculator, encyclopedia, etc.).

Besides a few random claims in postings, the most authorative piece I could find on the subject was from Gizmodo:

The OS: It isn't OS X proper, as you'd expect. And like an iPod, it won't be an open system that people can develop for. Remember, this is both an iPod and a Phone.

So my question is this: does anyone else have more info on this subject? And more importantly, if the answer is no, what is the best way to start a petition to Apple to try to get them to open the system up? I am more than willing to give them my money, but if I'm going to spend the money for a PDA, it would be nice to get an actual PDA. In theory Apple's mind could be changed by the time June comes around...

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