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Comment Re:Three Laws (Score 4, Interesting) 305

TFA says first law, I'd like to see it obey all three laws, except I'd make the second law "A robot must obey the orders given to it by its owner, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law".

So same as today then? The phone company, which is the phones owner, gives a command and the phone obeys by turning in the carriers position.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 272

Nearly all billionaires have a minimum of a half-dozen staff on hand to fulfill their needs (getting coffee, taking notes, arranging travel/meetings, handling visitors, security, etc.)

Their position and behavour are already tracked by their companies (which they typically own a large portion of) in far more detail than you ever will be.

One of the hazards of being rich is that you are never alone.

Comment Re:Cool video (Score 1) 219

You don't even need a big group of people. A cook and QA person within any food processing factory would be enough.

Hit McDonalds ketchup supply chain with something that takes a day to be visible in the host. They'll shut it down quickly once detected but you could still impact a very large number of people.

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The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time. -- Merrick Furst
