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Comment Re:Deja Vu (Score 1) 56

the naming conventions - sorry, americans seem not to bother that classes in C# are all lower case named, and for some idiotic reason: methods are Upper case. For a European - especially a German, that is a no go.

Wait, are you sure that's correct? I just double-checked, and what I found says that class names in C# follow the PascalCase convention, just like Java. I agree it's idiotic that C# uses PascalCase for method names. And I also very much agree that C# is inherently undesirable because it's from Microsoft.

Comment Re:Not binaries (Score 1) 72

Well, and speed. Some packages can take several minutes to configure and build, even when automated, but only take a couple seconds to install as a binary. When I'm bringing up a new system and installing a large dependency tree of packages, I do not want to build everything from source and wait 10 hours for it to complete. I'd rather install from binaries and have it all done in 15 minutes.

Comment Re: Does anyone.. (Score 1) 27

Is it possible that the previous line (not the one missing, but the one before it) had some kind of syntax issue?

For example, in C, if you accidentally end a line with \, then the next line is treated as though it was part of that line. I don't know if Google Sheets's import function has any special character parsing, but it's something to maybe think about.

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