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Comment Hidden costs to working from home (Score 0) 106

If your power gets knocked out for a few days, and you have no office to go to, you've just lost days of work. maybe your power doesn't go out, but your internet goes down and your ISP cannot get a crew out for a few days, or maybe your home router blew up, and you need to get a new one, but what electronics stores are still operating?

The office, which feels kind of archaic at the moment, at least had a IT dept. with spare equipment, redundant connections, and more reliable utilities, and if all of that stuff went down, well all the people you need to talk to are right there in the same place.

Comment Re:So What? (Score 3, Informative) 54

I don't know of too many companies that would spend tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions of dollars to "move off of Java", i.e., rewrite everything from scratch in a different language.

They search for alternatives, like using Amazon Corretto - a free, supported version of Java based on OpenJDK. Amazon is taking security fixes for newer OpenJDK versions and backporting them to Java 8 and Java 11 so that companies with a significant Java investment can continue to use those versions without paying the high support costs that Oracle is charging.

A lot of people don't understand that OpenJDK is controlled by Oracle. It's Oracle's developers supporting the project. And hence, the lack of security fixes for older OpenJDK releases.

Comment Re:An extremely difficult issue (Score 0) 752

Once you "deplatform" Someone, then you've made an editorial choice as to what appears on your platform (assuming the content you deplatformed did not break the law)

Once you made that editorial choice, you've become a publisher and not a platform. Thus, Google is now publishing content and no longer falls under the safe harbor provisions of a "platform".

Comment Links CC to E-mail address (Score 0) 39

You provide your e-mail for a digital receipt *one* time, and square links your e-mail to your CC to send you receipts automatically every time you use your card at another square terminal. It doesn't even have to be you, your spouse, whose name you added to your CC, may have provided an e-mail, and then all of a sudden your spouse is getting receipts for your morning coffee or boutique wifu body pillow purchase

Comment where did the ice and snow go? (Score -1, Troll) 172

From the summary: Since 1961, the world has lost 10.6 trillion tons of ice and snow, the study reported. Melted, that's enough to cover the lower 48 U.S. states in about 4 feet of water.

Well, if we "lost" 10.6 trillion tons of ice and snow, since 1961, and it did not melt.... and the lower 48 states is not under 4 ft of water.... where did it all go?

Comment Re:Baloney (Score 3, Informative) 162

Not really. The way Caller ID was originally implemented, the Caller ID information is transmitted along with the call as a set of ultrasonic tones, therefore any caller and set their caller-id number to whatever they want. This is useful if you are calling from an office that gets routed through a local switchboard.

Some kind of standard is being worked on, but it is a hard problem to implement with the current telepohny network was it exists today


Comment Apple's intangible costs (Score 1) 410

What many people miss are Apple's intangible costs like their commitment to renewable energy, sustainable materials and recycling and insistence on fair working conditions (however successful that may be). these things will drive up the costs of Apple's products but you can't find them on bill of materials for their phones and products.

If you want the highest performance, most eco-friendly tech product, then Apple is the best manufacturer.

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