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Comment Dood, you just don't get it ..... (Score 0) 165

Of course America has a capitalistic educational system, always has, always will until a real revolution occurs. With partial exceptions such as the administrations of FDR and JFK, the last American who truly attempted to institute a meritocratic system in America was Alexander Hamilton, and the first murdered his only son, then they murdered him! (He was also strongly opposed to slavery back then!) This isn't about those shills for the super-rich altering the educational system in America, it's about increasing the number of foreign visa scab workers, (which is step 1 in offshoring jobs, also) and utilizing those tax revenues, which will only temporarily --- if that --- flow to public K-12 (most will end up going to their charter schools) but will eventually flow to privatized schools, which Bill Gates' Gates Foundation has long been pushing!

Comment Thanks for a great blog post/article! (Score 1) 165

No only an excuse, but OPM --- Other People's Money --- the super-rich never use their own money, but instead will use future tax revenues as an excuse to increase foreign visa scab workers (which are used to further offshore jobs, of course), plus those taxes going to K-12 are a way station to privatized schools, which the Gates Foundation has been strongly promoting, which means those taxes will eventually be going to them! Nothing altruisitic in any of this.

Comment pmontra on target (Score 1) 518

Exactly, pmontra, exactly! As a previous president (unfortunately, it was Jimmy Carter, on whose first presidential campaign I worked as a volunteer) overturned federal anti-usury regulations and laws, with the predicatable outcomes, so this too has an obvious and predictable outcome, where the same type of judge (and there exists plenty of corrupt bastards and bitchez out there of this stripe) who ruled the hedge fundster who illegally ran over a bicyclist didn't have to bother to show up for the court trial (although the bicyclist did) because the hedge fundster was such a busy fellow so also will such swine judge scum rule that in order to pay off "debts" a person must sell their organs, now recognized by law as an asset (similar pattern was legally done with pension funds of bankrupt corporations, etc.)!

Comment The pseudo-econ for the neocons speaketh ... (Score 1) 518

I have no problem with the harvesting of Gary Becker(head)'s organs, nor Thomas "three chins" Friedman's organs, nor anyone else's organs at the Hoover Institution, which Becker(head) is a paid member of, but once allowed, forced organ harvesting in a predatory monopolistic capitalistic society will be the order of the day, far worse than it now is!

Comment I believe i may have the answer. . . . (Score 1) 112

. . . it is the Pet Rock, I mean the very first ever Pet Rock sold, who stated publicly that it (?) was fed up with all the commercialism on the planet Earth and was going to take a trip to Mars......

I admit I considered the Pet Rock a bit farfetched at the time (I mean its (?) extremely sophisticated vocabulary and lexicon, as it (?) had only been in existence a short while back then?

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
