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Comment Re:... likely outcome (Score 1) 369

but they're still required to have a speedy and public trial, and are still prohibited from engaging in cruel and unusual punishment. Manning has a strong argument that both of those were violated.

Exactly, my good citizen, exactly --- and that is why War Criminal Obama and his gang should be prosecuted for crime just like Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld et al., and that Wall Street bunch.

Comment Why they call an American hero a traitor.... (Score 1) 369

To know the enemy, one must first know something . . . .

American Vileness . . . .Israeli Vileness

Following the United Nations' vote on Palestinian autonomy, the representative of the USA (I'm very sorry to say), Susan Rice, uttered the most atrociously vile, crass and insulting speech against that vote and the Palestinians.

Hillary Clinton's remarks were only slightly less insulting, but that was to be expected from a Clinton. (Surprisingly, Chelsea Clinton has finally departed McKinsy --- perhaps there remains hope for at least one Clinton?)

The UN vote accords the Palestinians living on occupied lands a unique UN status --- too long in the coming --- similar to that of the Vatican, which was granted sovereignty in 1929 by fascist Benito Mussolini, primarily for the purpose of acting as a conduit for money laundering during the war (WWII).

(The position of the International Chamber of Commerce at the United Nations, in perpetuity, no doubt enjoys far, far greater power and perks.)

The vile remarks by Rice and Clinton, representing the Obama administration, do not represent the sentiments of millions of Americans, other than AIPAC, JINSA and neocon Christian extremists.

The depopulation policy of Palestine, taking many forms and exhibiting many variations, was first formulated in Israel back in the 1960s, when an intelligence study extrapolated a majority population of Palestinians by the year 2000.

It has since been fully documented that immediately after the events of 9/11/01, the Israeli government took historical video footage of a group of Palestinians celebrating, and broadcasted that video on Israeli and American television, propagandizing the event in the most despicable manner possible, to the Israelis' advantage.

Whether it was such vile propaganda as that, or the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty,
we must never forget --- or ignore --- the war crimes of any country or state-involved entity.

We should always beware of the propaganda of Zionists (and understand that not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews) --- whether it's a recent Zionist-authored book claiming that the Vietnamese assassinated President John F. Kenney (*$&#&*@*(@), or the silly drivel from Zionist Jonathan Kay, a fellow at the next version of PNAC, or Project for a New American Century, the Foundation in Defense of Democracies --- as neocon as neocon can get (remarkably, Kay received an incredible amount of coverage multiple times for his little-read book on "conspiracy theory" on NPR, and APM, and PRI, and CBC, etc.).

When State Department spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, prattles on and on, please be advised that she is the wife of one of the founding members of that former outfit, the ultra-neocon PNAC, and it was Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who reappointed that guy from George W. Bush's inner circle, Marc Grossman, to her staff, the very same Grossman who was fingered by Sibel Edmonds as a member of a nuclear secrets-selling gang.

These activities aren't really political, simply portrayed endlessly at the level of political theater.

When Nixon and Richard Helms' CIA expand a fortune to overthrow the Chilean government, which led to the assassination of their military commander-in-chief, and the eventual takeover by the incredibly murderous Gen. Pinochet (Project Fu/Belt), they were working at the instigation and behest of the multinational corporations, led by ITT.

When in 1969 a SEAL team (Sea Air Land special warfare commandos) designated Delta Platoon SEAL Team One, went into a Mekong village to capture a Viet Cong leader who was supposed to be there, they killed civilians --- to preserve their stealth --- on the way in and on their way out, killing 21 civilians --- the elderly, women and children, without finding any VC leaders (their officer leader would be awarded a medal for this op!).

President Kennedy originally created the SEALs as a military aid to pro-democracy movements and anti-dictator insurgency movements around the world, not as an assassination squad against innocent civilians.

The selective political assassinations in the 1960s --- President Kennedy in 1963, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Bobby Kennedy in 1968, and others --- were initiated by the plutocrats to profit the plutocrats; to halt and counter legislation which would have interfered with their growing profits, to allow for war expansion and war profiteering.

Unless we fully understand the sheer greed and profit motive behind all the tediously endless political theater, we will never comprehend who the real enemy --- the primary enemy --- is.

Fire a CEO lackey --- but the same owners (really masters) remain.

Capitalism is violence.
(from the above link)
According to the Church Committee report, in their meeting with CIA Director Richard Helms and Attorney General John Mitchell on 15 September 1970 President Nixon and his National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, directed the CIA to prevent Allende from taking power. They were “not concerned [about the] risks involved,” according to Helms’ notes. In addition to political action, Nixon and Kissinger, according to Helms’s notes, ordered steps to “make the economy scream.”

In 1975, the Senate Subcommittee on Multinationals, under the chairmanship of Frank Church of Idaho, began hearings on the political connections of major American corporations:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=94050f5c4f9ff5ce&bpcl=39314241&biw=1010&bih=612

Comment So who the bloody H has ever hacked . . . (Score 1) 252

Comment Re:Equal protection under the law? What's that? (Score 1) 388

he deserves to be punished. ?????

Seems like the companies and banksters which refused, interfered with and interdicted the normal business processes of Wikileaks committed a whole slew of criminal violations (both in Europe and the USA) and nothing has nor will occur to those corporate criminals. Jon Corzine recently stole over $1 billion, and he's getting off scot-free! Over 800 banksters were convicted and jailed in the aftermath of the S&L debacle --- care to name me any who've seen the inside of a penitentiary recently????

You, JDG, should experience an Obama drone up your butt.......

Comment Corporate Fascist State, est. 1963 (Score 1) 388

Last democratic president to occupy the White House: President John F. Kennedy (murdered, 1963)

Last progressive national leader: Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (murdered, 1968)

Last authentic democratic presidential candidate to get close to the presidency: Sen. Bobby Kennedy (murdered, 1968)

Last senator to almost accomplish economic democracy for American workers with his legislation towards universal collective bargaining rights: Sen. Paul Wellstone (died in suspicious aircraft accident, 2002 --- last minute substituion of co-pilot)

The brief BBC audio clip --- featuring a rare and short clip of Lee Harvey Oswald, articulating intelligently on the differences between Soviet-style communism and real Marxism is below (please ignore the author's remarks pertaining to Oswald's CIA-fabricated military record --- claims him to be have been an ATC, so he could pass on false coordinates to the Sovs, instead of a Russian linguist, which he actually was) --- sure doesn't sound like a looney lone guman, in fact, sounds like a CIA agent and FBI informant set up to be the patsy.

Recommended reading: Donald Gibson's Battling Wall Street: the Kennedy presidency, and David Talbot's Brothers

Comment Not Amerika, say it ain't so??? (Score 1) 52

I can't for one moment believe that could ever be true? The USA? Not the USA where the DIA has had at least several members of the richest families in America at its help since its inception by McNamara?

Sure, John Negroponte (recently noted at an Aspen Institute gathering on intelligence, along with fave biographer of Petraues, Paula Broadwell, who managed to do his biography while she was doing the general) and Frank Wisner, Jr. (still hasn't figured out the CIA murdered his dad????) put together that Franco-American Foundation to screw Sarkozy's competitor in the first presidential election, but I just can't believe the USA would continue to do such horrific stuff!!!!!

Uh oh! My French poodle, curiously enough named after Sarkozy, is getting upset and I must ran to feed him.....

Comment Here's who he screwed up .... (Score 1) 124

.... he was thoroughly ignorant of who owns AT&T --- had he been so, he would have approached things entirely differently (one hopes?).

Americans are thoroughly idiotized today --- the vast majority are still to eff-tard stupid to understand we live in a corporate fascist state, and that it is by purposeful design that Americans are completely ignorant of the ownership of those ruling corporations (especially the banksters, oil companies, pharmaceuticals and weapons makers, etc.).

Exactly why they re-arrested that Sergey Alenikov fellow (remember the programmer and Goldman Sachs' HFT software???). --- eff with JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, BofA, Citigroup, ExxonMobil, GE, AT&T, etc., and you're effing with the top five families in the Western Hemisphere, perhaps the planet.

Comment Ooooohhhh...!! "Stern warning from the banksters' (Score 1) 439

.... front office, the World Bank. You mean the previous neocon there, Robert Zoellick (and long-time member of the Trilateral Commission --- I know, I know, the Ameritards refuse to acknowledge influence groups, etc., ad nauseum), never realized any global climate change was going on??? Geez, thanks World Bankster, front office to the banksters --- that's kinda like all those slimey douchetards who created and sold and profited from all their debt,and now claim it belongs to the rest of us, and we must embrace austerity to pay off all their debt while they were paid billions and trillions for creating and selling such debt (I know, I know, the Ameritards refuse to learn arithmetic, so they won't understand what I'm talking about...).

Comment Re:this tidbit says it all (Score 0) 104

This entire conversation is nonsensical. Korporate Amerika has offshored too many jobs, too much investment, too much technology (including sensitive military tech during the Clinton and Bush administrations, and probably still?), etc. And since it's been chiefly the Chinese hackers (and Russky criminal types) who are doing the cracking, while the rest of us are continuously given the pinko slip by the criminal corporations who then offshore the jobs (while bringing in more foreign visa workers), the subject is moot.

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