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Comment Re:Pre-crime division goes to Canada (Score -1, Troll) 200

The exact same thing is going on in the US and it is perfect that way! All those MAGA hats should be sent straight to jail and their leaders should be sued into oblivion until they are financially ruined and end up in jail for life! We can't afford any opposition, the stakes are too important!

That's a funny way of saying "the law should be enforced".

Comment Re:Putin needs trump (Score 1) 199

It only matters that some countries (full disclosure: my own included) aren't contributing as much as they agreed to.

Trump's frequent outrage over public money matters makes it looks like he thinks people are getting into *his* money.

Look, very close to every single day Trump was in office he said or did something that had the international community throwing a Picard WTF in the air. The guy was unhinged, and still is.

Until now I was willing to dismiss his nonsense and discontinuous stream-of-thought as the result of "airhead in motormouth mode". But tonight I spent some time looking at trump glitch videos, and now I think his problem goes well beyond unhinged, sociopath, etc.

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