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Comment Re:MMO bubble officially popped? (Score 0, Flamebait) 90

Never said anything about APB so why don't you stop being a troll and read what I wrote instead of making crap up?

The fact of the matter is that the majority of your profitable MMO games are Everquest clones. That's all I was saying. Anything else you got beyond that you read into yourself.

Comment Re:space exploration vs itunes (Score 1, Offtopic) 551

Science discussions on Slashdot are teh suck.

Sorry, but it's true. Just go read down the posts about the 30 year old black hole... half of them say the same thing, about half of what's left is trolls. Slashdot isn't a science site. It's hardly a tech site anymore. Only about 1 in 100 posts actually deserve the Insightful mod for technical/science information.

Comment Re:too late (Score 2, Informative) 551

Most people who wanted the Beatles catalog have probably owned it on CD for over 20 years and have already ripped it to their iPods.

While this is going to be a big stir for Apple, the truth of the matter is that most of the money they make from this is only going to be for the al a carte type crowd. I'm sure they will sell a ton of complete collections too but let's be honest; if you're over 25 and you don't own the Beatles stuff that you like? You're probably not going to buy whole albums here either....

Unless you're a total gimp who doesn't know how to rip a CD.

Comment Re:Define "useful" (Score 1) 217

To go beyond even that I would suggest that the GP either has never used Facebook or doesn't see the value in the tool that it can be and doubtlessly is for some of its users.

Facebook, in this place and time, is the single best way to get people with different backgrounds together. People who are using Facebook just to post "I can't believe how drunk I was last night. Go [insert the football team of your choice]!" every Sunday morning are pretty much spinning their wheels. But there are tons of groups that can be used to communicate on a level of ease and width that no other technology can today. It can be used for base information or advocacy. Something as exclusive in nature as Slashdot isn't going to bring about many casual users but Facebook sure can by not limiting themselves to a small scope of interest. It can do this without the restrictive format of Twitter and without the tedium of going to dozens of websites.

There is a world of possibilities. Unfortunately most people who could use it to a better degree have dismissed it because they can't be bothered. If someone decides not to use it, that's all fine and well but it doesn't take away from the value that can be found there.

Comment Re:Any bets on when... (Score 1) 233

That's what I was thinking when I read this.

Tesla is as good as done as a brand. They'll become the subdivision of Toyota or, worse, their IP will be wrangled from them and only the top positions in the company will get any real compensation for their work as everyone else who hung in their and put their nose to the grindstone of Tesla will be shoveled off like some much shit on the sidewalk.

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