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Comment Re:Medical professionals (Score 2) 668

The Republicans realized that the Tea Party (which, again, contained a significant number of former liberals) was actually trying to do what the Republicans SAID they were doing for decades, but not actually doing. This could have been devastating to the Republican party. So the Republican donned the masks of the Tea Party and pretended to be them. Successfully. And some of them are even halfway serious about it.

And that's exactly how the Tea Party hijacked the Republican party. Same thing happened with the Democratic party when the Socialist Party was on the rise.

Comment Re:I like Centralized government (Score 1) 668

The Federal government, in each of those cases, picked up a movement started by the States. All those trends would have played out in nearly the same way, albeit perhaps a bit slower. When making drastic social changes, however, "slower" tends to also equate with "more stable." When the changes are slowed down, there are many fewer people who fight against them.

As for those favoring "freedoms," pretty much any Democrat or Republican is also only in favor of certain freedoms: those they personally want. I bet if you count up the freedoms endorsed by Ron Paul, they'd outweigh the number of freedoms endorsed by any typical Republican or Democrat.

Comment Re:Resistant to anti-ship missles? (Score 2) 229

Well, according to that wikipedia page, that weapons system was in service since 1980. The missiles I'm talking about are these ones and are much more modern. I have read that Russia got significantly further ahead than the US in the area of anti-ship missiles and as such, the US defences against them have never been tested for real.

Comment Resistant to anti-ship missles? (Score 3, Interesting) 229

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that anti-ship missile technology has been ahead of defence systems now for quite some time, such that basically any ship that gets within range of them is basically always sunk. What's more, Russia, Iran and China all have such missiles. What exactly are these ships being built for, beyond the jobs they produce?

Comment Re:Scientology: (Score 4, Insightful) 321

99% of their scam is to pretend to be a religion to make it more difficult to stop their scam. They are no more a religion than My Little Pony fandom is. It's not as if we don't have dozens of clues that it's a scam.
Freedom of Religion is irrelevant in this case since we only have the word of the obvious scammers themselves that it's a "Religion", while we also have their word that it's a good way to dodge tax and that they took up the "Religion" angle late in the game after "Dianetics".

No, using the word "religion" is precisely what makes Freedom of Religion relevant - doesn't matter who says it, doesn't matter who believes it.

What is wrong, and what is not in the Constitution, is that any religions are tax exempt. They are all in business - might be the business of saving souls, but the only outward sign is that they're in the business of drinking wine, lighting candles and ringing bells for fun and entertainment. They all should be taxed just like any other nightclub.

Give nobody any perverse incentives to create one, and we'll have a lot fewer of them to deal with.

Comment Re: I only go... (Score 1) 415

No, most influenza casualties are from the old and immune compromised unless you're adding in the numbers from pandemics brought on by non-cyclical influenza viruses.

The only time that's different is when a particularly odd, virulent strain crops up, such as the Spanish Flu. It killed the young and healthy, and so dramatically skews the numbers when added to typical deaths due to influenza. The flu vaccine is not designed to stop pandemic viruses; it is designed to stop the yearly rounds that kill the old and infirm.

Comment Re:My spider sense in tingling.... (Score 0) 634

You most certainly can negotiate price with physicians, surgeons, and hospitals. People do it all the time, but the vast majority are completely unaware that you can actually save money by negotiating and not paying insurance copays. It can be cheaper to get medical care by negotiating than by having health insurance.

And this is from first-hand experience.

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