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Comment Already did once (Score 1) 42

Before W, America was using Stem cells to work on various things. In particular, a group at CU injected on the pancreas where a patients islet had stopped, and it WORKED. It started producing insulin. IIRC, part of the trick was that it had been a functioning islet, as opposed to someone born without it.

Comment Re:This is stupid and worthless (Score 1) 265

Oh, we need to continue to drop, BUT, what is needed is for the west to get all of the other nations to stop growing theirs. I've never said otherwise
The only problem is that we MUST get all other nations to quit growing theirs. Even stable is better than not.

The only way to do that is to put a tax on all good/service based on where the item AND all of the parts/Service and sub-service come from. Once you do that, and base it solely on direction, companies will either push nations to change directions quickly, OR they will quit buying/working in those nations.
That would stop the growth unlike the BS that UN is doing.

Comment This is stupid and worthless (Score 1) 265

Seriously, comments like this are absolutely worthless. Why? Because even if the ENTIRE western nations, including America, were to stop adding CO2 to the air, it would continue to grow. Why? Because India, China, and All of the undeveloped nations that China continues to add new coal plants to, are all increasing CO2 quickly. The west has cut some 20-25% over the last 20 years. Yet, the emissions have grown much faster and much higher.

UN is NOT going to stop it because they do not want to put the screws to China or the undeveloped nations. What is needed is for the west to put on a REAL 'carbon tax'. Simply tax all goods and services based on where the WORST part/sub-service comes from, in terms of GHG DIRECTION for the last 2+ years. At this time, we just need to get ALL nations to quit adding GHG to their emissions. For more than 80% of the additional emissions, that means STOP BUILDING NEW COAL POWER PLANTS.

Comment This was known for a long time (Score 4, Interesting) 54

It has been known that Chinaâ(TM)s SO*/NO* was holding temps down all over northern hemisphere. It was also known that if they dropped the visible pollution ( large-medium particles, combined with above gases ), but do not lower invisible pollution such as CO*/CH4/etc, along with small particles, that heat would be increasing. That is obviously what is happening. Monitoring in RMN parks continue to pick up small particles, lead, mercury coming from China. Iâ(TM)ve not heard about arctic, but I would guess that Alaska/western Canada continue to warm much faster that eastern Canada/europe.

Oddly, I saw something the other day that might help the arctic. Basically, they are looking at doing the same thing we did back in the 60s to make rinks on lakes. Cut a hole in the ice and pump water onto the ice. It was surprising how thick that area could get compared to other ice. So, they are looking at putting a number of pumps in the ice and have it build up over a season. This could be started in April using PV, and pulled out in oct. Hopefully, this would not turn darker than normal since it will have a constant small particles falling on it. Still, this might be an interesting way to rebuild arctic ice.

Comment Of course they have (Score 3, Insightful) 44

China is NOT a free nation. When Xi says to do something, all of the businesses and many of the citizens do EXACTLY what he says ( amazing what a bullet to the head of citizens will do for an authoritarian ).
This is why western companies are being destroyed by CHina and when the west fights back, then China simply denies them sales in their nation, while at the same time, dumping on foreign markets to destroy their sales there.

And yet, idiots will continue to say the same thing as the paid chinese astroturfers/trolls say. Sad.

Comment Should focus on non-recyclables (Score 0) 43

Seriously, this should have a focus on plastics that are NOT easily or even today, recyclable. Things like HPDE is fine. Why? Recyclable. And then we have ABS which is not recyclable, but is ideal for such long-lived things as sewage lines.

This really comes down to use and how recyclable something is.
Even now, I am disgusted that in Seattle, they are saying to NOT recycle aluminum foil that has grease/food on it. Well, that can only mean that the approach for recycling is a horribly cheap one, which likely means that it is going offshore, likely to China. Instead, we should require that ALL trash, recyclables remain within our nation and that we must deal with it correctly.

Comment Re:way cool (Score 0) 61

yeah. No.
While all Allie members picked up scientists from Germany and Japan, American missiles had little in common with 'NAZI' missiles. Why? Because theirs were designed more like cruise missiles.
And in the end, there is a HUGE difference between grabbing unemployed scientists, vs stealing their tech OR having tech that is 100% from the military like CHina is. But you know that. After all, I suspect that China IS your home nation.

Comment waste of money and not our first high-speed rail (Score 1) 242

We have others that are considered high-speed rail, so this is NOT America's first.
But, like many others of Biden's wasted $, this is another project that should not be approved and hopefully, Trump (or next president since it will not be biden) will pull the $ from this. Why? Because this is by far the single best route to put in the world's first hyperloop. It is not just ppl that move from LA to LV. There is a ton of cargo that gets sent. Hyperloop needs to be done with cargo FIRST, and ran for 2-4 years before accepting it for manned travel. And having Cargo travel at 300-500 MPH between these, at costs cheaper than trucks, would be a big deal.

Comment Re:Starship (Score 1) 27

For SX to set up a base on the moon and mars, they will need 2 different types of landers: Cargo and Manned.
With manned, it is easy enough for ppl and supplies to be transferred from space-only to the lander. The question becomes, what about the cargo version?
So far, SX has shown a door on the side, but I believe that there is NO WAY that is going to work. The reason is that the cargo will be pulled out and then have to be stacked directly below the door. In addition, assuming that lunar and martian cargo systems never return to earth surface, then we need a way to move cargo from the starship leaving earth to the lander, or possibly something in-between.
With that in mind, about the only system that I can imagine would be to use the nose opening, docking nose to nose, and then having containers, moved from 1 system to the other. Finally, when landed, the nose is opened up again, and a crane on the inside is used to pull the container out and place it on the side. What is interesting is that the crane could be attached to the rocket via a track that runs on the inside so that it can rotate around the lander and drop off containers directly to the ground as opposed to being forced to stack them.

Now, as to starship:
1) trivial for it to reach orbit. It was not because they are not working on orbiting, but on all of the stuff in-between such as take-off, separation, fuel pump testing, re-entry and landing on a single spot.
2) It is highly likely that SX will launch a couple of starlinks sats on this next launch. If not, it will almost certainly be the one after that. IOW, they will start using it for Cargo. 3) Re-fueling in orbit is not a big deal. They tested this in the last launch, internally. In addition, liquid transfers have been done for a long time (water, lox, fuel for ISS and other modules). They will need to build a tanker and a fuel-depot, but tanker will likely happen this year.
4) manned rating for launches will take a number of launches. Of course, that is exactly what SX intends to do with starlink cargos. Even if landings are not working yet, they will continue to use this to put up their starlinks that can not go on F9 ( though possible on FH ). The interesting item is how to test the life support. I suspect that they will be putting up 1 or more of these as space station module. Each 1 has more volume than the entire ISS (and far more than China's space station). Just by putting up the first one as a regular starship, they can sort things out for the ECLSS as well as layout, etc. Ideally, they would build several of these with later ones have multiple docking ports. That would enable these to quickly replace the ISS, while others continue to add their units to these for testing of their modules/ECLSS.

And yes, of this could be done before 2026.
Of course, that leaves the lunar lander. I would have to guess that once SX is able to land booster and starship on earth, they will have no issues landing on either the moon/mars. The only real issue will be (re-)entry into mars. The atmosphere is thin, but it is still there.

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