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Comment Re:It's incredible to me (Score 2) 322

Guns are a false hope in defending against any tyrannical government.

Name one tyranny that allows for the people to be armed. Just one.

And why are we arming Syrian Rebels if guns are a false hope against Tyranny?

Do you realize that tyrannies form only when the people are disarmed. And do not forget, Hitler was elected to office, so I do not trust the Soap, or Ballot boxes for obvious reasons (GWB, BHO) . I don't trust the Jury box for the similar reasons. Guns are the last but necessary resort.

Comment Re:It's incredible to me (Score 1) 322

Do you have a coherent thought or just rambling on because I don't follow your prescribed version of reality? And they are cowering, otherwise they wouldn't care what I believed (or didn't believe). I threaten them because I can make fun of them. And there is nothing funnier than evangelical Atheists.


Evangelical (adj) - marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause.

What other "non-beliefs" can we put billboards up for?

"Don't Believe in Pink Unicorns? You're not alone"

"Don't Believe in UFOs? You're not alone"

"Don't Believe in Leprechauns? You're not alone"

Comment Re:Academic name recognition (Score 1) 284

we've lost a huge point of academic inquiry -- which is in part about individuality and creativity.

If you want that as an outcome, then the University is not going to help most people. The degree program offered by most universities is one that says that a person has progressed through a series of steps and followed a prescription (recipe) and is good for being a cog in a bigger machine. Outside of the hard sciences (research universities).

At my personal experience at University was that anyone with "different" ideas was sent to the sidelines and marginalized.

Comment Re:It's incredible to me (Score 4, Insightful) 322

I am not an Atheist. Libertarian Atheists don't care what I believe. And I don't care what Atheists believe. Leftwing Atheists would rather I not exist, as my belief somehow threatens them. They end up doing things like Jewish Purge of Soviet Union (killing Jews because they are religious), or persecution of the Falun Gong and Christians in China, if they had their way. Atheistic Socialistic States and those of faith don't mix.

The state should be agnostic towards religion (or lack thereof). First Amendment Style.

Comment Re:It's incredible to me (Score 3, Insightful) 322

How is that? How does a "Left wing" enforce their social economic government structure without a strong powerful government behind it?

You're probably not anti-capitalist, you're probably anti-corporatist, which is different, but looks remarkably similar. Do you believe a committee should tell you how much you should be paid, and how hard you should work and what job you should do? If you say no to each of those, you're a capitalist.

Comment Re:Great for some apps (see netflix blog) (Score 0) 172

I just spec'ed out a 2U Dual 8 Core server with 386 GB RAM. The thing could hold 768 GB total If I didn't put in the GPU. The cost for doubling the RAM doubled the cost of the server. And at that point, having more CPU is more useful than RAM.

As for SSD vs HD, you should really start looking at something like Nimble Storage, which tiers storage between onboard RAM, SDD and regular HDs, to provide huge IOPS advantages over regular SAN storage, with the same kind of drive type/counts. In the datacenter, its IOPS for your storage, followed by Size. Long term slow, and big storage is less useful than having high speed access to data you actually need at that moment. IOPS is key to getting data on the wire and to the processors that need it.

Comment Re:Academic name recognition (Score 1) 284

Actually, I forsee a change in courses over the next few years, where the teaching material is a collaboration of those instructors creating the classes. This will mean that course design will become more favorable than being "Dr Joe Schmoe". And open source courses will invariably be more complete than closed courses offered from a singular professor.

Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer, should be.

Comment Re:Fear and Ignorance (Score 2) 322

In the USA, anyone can make a gun, perfectly legal gun. You can make them all you want, you just can't sell them. THAT takes a firearm license. But when everyone can make a gun, the idea of gun registration (for the purposes of selling them) becomes useless. Guess what, gun laws are going to change, and they are going to effectively repeal the 2nd Amendment, without the formality of doing so, because people are scared of things that make loud noises.

The fact that more people died at the hands of hammers and clubs than rifles, proves it isn't about killing people. It is about killing people with things that make loud noises that scare people. Make people afraid, tell them only the Government can protect them, and the people become pawns in the struggle for power among the elite. Who can scare the people the most. "Republicans want to kill grandma and eat kittens" or "Brown People are invading from Mexico". It doesn't matter what it is.

Everything is a parody when you start looking through things with clear eyes.

Comment Re:It's incredible to me (Score 3, Insightful) 322

As a Libertarian, I find Libertarians defy most stereotypes. I do say, the Libertarian version of Atheism is much better than the leftist Atheists. Leftist Atheists have replaced GOD with Government as the all powerful being, and that is pretty scary concept. Libertarian Atheists tend towards not giving a shit what others believe and want to be left alone.

Comment Re:It's incredible to me (Score 5, Insightful) 322

"going to give you any protection from anyone armed with more than a saturday night special"

Logical Fallacy. It gives you more protection than having NOTHING, except the broken promises of the government protecting you. And we are seeing exactly how much the government protects you, even as it invades every aspect of your life. But being a good leftist, you must not protest government intrusions into your everyday life, for that is exactly what you're asking for.

Government regulation is government power, more regulation means government has more power. Don't complain when wake up and have no power to stop the government. That is the whole reason for the 2nd Amendment. Power corrupts and all that.

"Trust us, we're from the Government"

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
