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Comment Re: Do the math (Score 1) 104

Yes and no, on blu-ray not being broken.

Blu-ray is not broken, but the digital data transport over hdmi IS.

A blu-ray player, and a homebrew hack cobbled from a cheap SBC, should let you make unencumbered copies of the digital datastream.

Not as elegant as just decoding it off the disc directly, such as with DeCSS, but blu-ray is not invulnerable due to this sideband attack.

Comment Re:Do the math (Score 4, Interesting) 104

This is actually poignant, as this is what market research indicates concerning the GenZ consumer base. (which is the most financially disadvantaged, and thus, most interested in maximal value for a purchase.)

I remember reading an OP-ED about this about 3 days ago now, in which the primary motivational component of buying physical media, was the lack of ability of content distributors to retroactively rescind access after license purchase.

A significant case could be built for format shifting, given this trend. However, that would be in the "Jack the Ripper!!" mindset of media companies, vis-a-vis VHS was in the 80s. Format shifting purchased blu-ray and DVD to digital, for use with an in-home PLEX server, would have all the convenience of a streaming service, with none of the issues. Excepting of course, for media companies being allowed to be obstinate trolls.

Comment Software Defined Radio (Score 4, Interesting) 48

So, this sounds like a highly evolved SDR; Are there special caveats about the frequency bands it is able to transmit/receive on?

This could be a very handy thing indeed if it is fully broad-spectrum. (that also means, of course, the FCC would get real bitchy about the firmware controlling it...)

Comment Re: I just want to leave a group chat. (Score 2) 111

Even google's flagship phone can be "DeGoogled".

Pixel series phones are supported by LineageOS, and installing "Mind the GApps" is fully optional.

My "Obsolete" 4A just received a weekly update today, for instance, since I have made the switch.

The only issue is that the 4A has an incessant boot nag screen complaining about the unlocked boot loader. (because WOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Owning your software experience is SO SCARY! You actually have to be RESPONSIBLE, and not just TRUST MOMMY GOOGLE.)

Anyhow; look into it. I find it is a better android than android.

Comment Re:Hire me (Score 2) 87

Remember that if you stay out of the job loop for more than 2 years (such as, you take that job at petco) you are now completely "Unhirable" because you are "Not qualified."

Since you know; you might have forgotten how to divide up a subet, how to minimize attack surface, how to look at a stack trace, set up a structured regression test, or how to analyze a packet capture.

Just totally forgot. Your brain cannot possibly retain that knowledge after 2 years! /s

You worked at petco for two whole years! Clearly the entire security field will change so profoundly in that time, and you will be too busy telling some karen which dog-food is better for a large breed dog, that you wont have any time at all to still stay active on your own in keeping your knowledge or skill up.

That is of course, on top of not having that degree. (that you don't have, because you were actively doing the job instead.)

Guess they will just hire from India! /s

Comment Re:Space will best be observed from space. (Score 1) 122

There are also reports of disruption of nocturnally respiring plant lifecycles.

It's still a problem that will not be solved. I'm gonna be a pessimist about that to the very end. Much like we've KNOWN about anthropogenic climate change, and CO2 temperature forcing for well over 100yrs, and done everything *BUT* actually take reparative steps to correct that problem-- because economic activity and human standard of living increases trump EVERYTHING ELSE-- the same will be true here.

We'll end up on a barren ball of dirt without plants or other lifeforms that aren't kept in botanical gardens at this rate.

You'll get dark skies when humanity stops being a technologically advanced species. Really.

Comment Re:re (Score 2) 122

While this is true, such mitigations are just that-- mitigations. The actual source of the light pollution is still the advancement of human standard of living, and increases in economic activity.

Even with devices that 100% aim straight down, the refractive/reflective nature of the road surfaces will beam light back up into the sky. The only way to have black sky, is to have no lights at all.

No amount of nostalgia is going to bring that back. As the population grows, and economic pressures for people to work all hours of the day or night increase, the more light pollution will be produced. Full Stop.

Comment Re:re (Score 0) 122

It's essentially "Man Yells at Cloud"-- Crabby Hobby Scientist Edition.

Older people remember when there were significantly fewer people, and when technological profusion was significantly less, with a commensurately large reduction in nighttime light pollution.

They remember being inspired by looking up at the night-time sky, and seeing the stars, and being curious about them.

They are upset and butthurt that looking up now, one sees very little but a diffuse dull grey, or sometimes brown.

Short of murderating everyone in town, or going full luddite on everything that emits light at night, there is no way to regain that which has been lost-- thus, "Man Yells At Cloud".

The best they can do, and what should be done, is for there to be affordable astronomy lodgings way out in BFE, where they can take their happy little amateur astronomer asses, and look through their telescopes without being offended.

Instead, they want to go Marvin the Martian, and use the Illudium 238 explosive space modulator, because their view of venus is obstructed.

Comment Re:Night pain/grief/distress (Score 1) 122

Glad I'm not the only one to be irked by that.

On the other hand, and back to the real subject matter, RE: Light Pollution--

There will still be areas where light pollution will be at a minimum; Areas where people dont want to be, for one reason or another. While this kills the backyard enthusiast with their amateur telescope, such light pollution problems have been things for a very very long time.

Simply "Just outside the suburbs" is not sufficient, because of the sky glow that dominates the horizon from large metropolitan areas. No, you need more "Long road trip to an isolated cabin out in the middle of the national forest, with a 2 to 3 hour drive away from the nearest city" to have good mitigation. (But will still have some sky-glow on the horizon)

Comment Re: Bullshit (Score 1) 404

The PROBLEM, is that "We will use a 4 year degree as a proxy for being able to be trusted to wear clean underwear and show up to work on time", is that it imposes a lot of logistical burden on the university system, which was never intended to supply that kind of volume.

That logistical burden is what has been driving student tuitions into the stratosphere, which in turn causes the issue with student debts, which in turn is what is driving the anti-college trend.

The "But we've been doing it for DECADES!" mantra, is just "Yes-- Yes you have! This problem has been snowballing FOR DECADES! *IMAGINE THAT!*" writ large.

I am actually eagerly awaiting the "OH NOEZ! NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH 'QUALIFIED APPLICANTS!'" tears, when Gen-Z's anti-college trend fully manifests, and this "But we've been demanding it for decades! WHAA!" shit has the bottom fall out.

They do NOT need a 4 year degree to use a fucking stapler, or collate documents.

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