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Comment Re:The urban poor subsidized the rich for a while (Score 1) 372

Do you have *anything* but strawman arguments? Can you point out anywhere in the GP's post that said any of the subsidized things in that list were not needed?

Does it bother you that of all the posts you have in this thread, not a single one has been either on-topic or factually correct? Do you even know what honest debate is?


Comment Re:Really?!? (Score 1) 1448

It's really going to suck for you in the next decade or so. Your team is losing, badly. If you look at the polls, the trend for acceptance of gay people and gay marriage has skyrocketed since the turn of the century, and it shows no sign of slowing down. I predict that we're about 3 election cycles away from gay marriage being all but standard nationwide.

I suggest you get over it and move on with your life, otherwise you'll end up like the fringe racists that still hide out in the edges of society. Nobody wants to be one of those guys. Just do it. Nobody will judge you. Nobody will even know. It's easy. And if you're religious? God won't even hold it against you; it's his job to do the final judgement, not yours.


Comment Re:Really?!? (Score 1) 1448

Some of the best advice I was ever given was "trust the art, not the artist."

The best advice I've ever given myself: there's more art than I have time to deal with, anyway. More good art, even. In fact, there's so much to do between music, TV, movies, and video games, that I'll never get to all the *good* stuff, let alone all the mediocre stuff. So if an artist/company/whatever sticks their neck out and gives me an easy excuse to cull them from my to-read/to-listen/to-play list, I feel that they're doing me a favor.

I don't need to see Ender's Game. Just like I don't need to play Zynga or EA games, or see Mel Gibson movies. Sure, I'll miss some good stuff (well, probably not in the case of Zynga...) ... while I'm enjoying other good stuff.

Orson Scott Card is free to talk all he wants, and I'm free to walk. And neither of us goes to jail! That's the beauty of free speech!


Comment Re:Really?!? (Score 1) 1448

It's because I'm pro-Constitution. The Constitution says you have the right to free speech. Nowhere does it say you have the right to marry, straight, gay or otherwise.

Oh, so in other words, you don't understand the Constitution. The Constitution does NOT say you have the right to free speech. The Constitution DOES say that the government can't impede the free speech you already have a right to.

The Constitution doesn't grant us rights. We already had them. The Constitution limits the power of the government. That's all it does. It doesn't have to say "you have the right to get married" because YOU ALREADY HAVE THAT RIGHT. In fact, the only way the government can *stop* you from getting married is to PASS A LAW THAT SAYS YOU CAN'T -- and that law also has to be found Constitutional, because hey, that's what the purpose of the Constitution is! It tells us what is legal for the GOVERNMENT to do! DOMA, anybody?

I'd give you a pat on the back and say, "it's ok, it's a really subtle distinction; a lot of people get it wrong." Except you claim to be pro-Constitution and you don't even know what it is. And it's NOT a subtle distinction. So ... good job being all pro-Constitution and stuff. Maybe try learning what it is so you don't sound like a jackass.


Comment Re:Really?!? (Score 3, Insightful) 1448

Be an adult and reply with why you think I'm wrong.

Marriage is made-up, and religion doesn't own it. Marriage predates Christianity. Even if we did decide that Christianity did own religion, the Bible defines marriage in a whole bunch of ways that we don't even recognize today.

You don't get to decide what marriage is; we all do. And as a group, we've decided that marriage includes gay marriages. Support is overwhelming, besides a few scared trolls like yourself. It will be passed in all 50 states; it will be recognized at the federal level; it is inevitable at this point. So get used to it and fuck off.

Let me ask you this: how does 2 guys or 2 women getting "married" affect you in any way? It won't happen in your church, because you clearly come from a group of bigots, so you can't whine about that. You won't have to go to the wedding, because despite your claims to the contrary, I don't believe that you have any gay friends. So what the fuck is your objection? You don't like losing the word "marriage"? The concept of "marriage" is special to you? Well hell, maybe that explains why gay people want one too!


Comment Re:This is why... (Score 5, Insightful) 413

If someone on a bike runs a red light or stop sign and they get hit, that's their bad and that's on them; they'll get no sympathy from me.

If you treat someone on a bike like shit because you saw a random biker run a red light or a stop sign once (or twice, or 1000 times, it doesn't matter), that makes you a dick, and that's on you.


Comment Re:All guns are dangerous... (Score 1) 976

Might have been fewer casualties. Might not have. As long as we're calling hypotheticals informative, if a bunch of the victims had been carrying guns, they could just as easily have accidentally shot someone while they were trying to take out the shooter -- who becomes more difficult to identify when a bunch of people are waving guns around.


Comment Re:1 2 3 4 I declare flame war (Score 1) 976

If a sword is as dangerous as a gun, then go ahead and carry a sword. I'm 100% behind you on that.

If a spear is as dangerous as a sword, then carry the spear instead.

If rocks are as dangerous as spears, then don't bother carrying anything, because rocks are plentiful and you can grab one anywhere.

If you're a big guy and big guys are as dangerous as rocks, then you don't need any weapon because you'd just win.

If none of those things are true, then your entire post is an idiotic false equivalence.


Comment Re: So... (Score 1) 81

So what's your point? You've chosen to use F-Droid to vet your software rather than Google Play; good for you, that seems pretty reasonable and safe.

The whole appeal of sideloading is to give yourself the option to take security into your own hands without Google or Apple or Microsoft babysitting you. You can't demand to get out of the walled garden for a stroll and simultaneously demand that the walled garden keep you safe and then get pissed when you get infected somewhere that the walled garden had no protective influence. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. You get one or the other; Android is the only handheld software ecosystem that gives you the choice.


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