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Comment No we would not (Score 1) 420

None of our radio signal is/has been detectable beyond a few 1 to 10 AU and nothing was above noise beyond 1 light year, except for 2 intentional signal of 2 minutes long. The problem is the inverse square law , as distance increase your intensity drop by the square of the distance (imagine a point light, it generate a spherical wave, but as the distance increase the sphere surface increase on the square of the radius, since the intensity stay constant , each square unit on the surface get an intensity which dwindle by the inverse of the suqare of radius). The only exception were direction signal sent with intent.

We could ahve a high technological civilisation on that planet and each other NEVER know about each other despite doing radio transmission up the wazoo into space (which we don't anymore by the way we have much better way to transmit info). Each of our signal would be indistinguishable from galactic noise rapidely. And we would never know about each other. Heck even if they were on alpha centauri, 4 LY away we would not know until they intentionally send a *directional* signal in our direction powerful enough.

Comment Photon is photn is photon (Score 2) 225

All those radiation are in the same "nature" they are electromagnetic radiation, or better called photon. They differs in *energy* and thus in effect. Simplifying, Microwave will excite barely rotational level in molecules, Infra red is akin to vibrational levels in structure/molecules, and short infrared/color/UV is electron excitation from an outter shell level to another. Xray more or less is excitation from the inner core shell level. Gamma is even more, can only be gotten IIRC thru nuclear reactions. But they are the same in nature, only the different energy level and the quantic nature of matter make the effect different.

Comment The usefullness of non metric is hugely exagerated (Score 1) 354

For every application where you will say it is useful over metric, you will only show that you have ingrained the imperial system and do not want to move on. order of magnitude to compare to human size stuff ? metric (centimeter / decimeter / Kg / Tons / liter etc...) gives an immediate gut estimate (i often see the cited example of "it is easier to use 4 foot 11 inches than 150 cm if you were used to it you would say 1.5 meter pronounced "1 meter 50" which is as easy than 4 foot 11 inches and much easier to use if I have 6 yards of clothes how many 5 foot 8 inches guy can I cover ? if I have 6 meter of clothes I just say 6/1.5=4 guys good luck with the example of yard/foot/inches without doing complicated conversion compared to a direct division). Conversion ? metric don't need them as much as imperial. So where the hell does it makes sense to use imperial ? There is a good reason the whole world moved on. The SI is as easy to grasp for people as any other system, but easier to teach, easier to use, and easier to NOT make error with.

So again *WHICH* advantage has imeprial over metric (except that you are used to it) ? before you answer about a particular felt flaw of metric, please google around to make sure it is a real flaw. Good luck on that.

Comment Tax avoidance is abd for a simple reason (Score 2) 780

You are using the structure made available with tax and you get a free ride. but i do not accuse the user of tax avoidance, I accuse the government responsible for setting up the tax and letting the whole gaping hole, and never being bothered a second that some big company seems to never have tax report in the same level as their profit. *THEY* , the politician , have a lot to explain. not the company using it.

Comment Wrong (Score 1) 412

You missed the point utterly. Atheist *do* have charitable contribution. You pretend that they "don't" but it is untrue. Therefore atheist have the same morality as christian do. You would have a point if religious people were doing something moral that the atheist *never* do. But that does not happen. ALL moral act practiced by religious people are also practiced by atheist. There is NO EXAMPLE of moral act NEVER practiced by atheist. As for being "more" moral religious people commit as many crime as atheist, break mariage vow as much as atheist, when all comfounding factor are counted. What religion help more is not on the morals, but on the comforting zone. But then again in many case a puppy or kitten help even more. That still won't make me start praying to my kitten overlord.

Do you understand now hitchens point ?

Byt the way moral has long been due to be social pressure , it is just in the nature of any animal group stability to not attack or kill each other if they form a community. So frankly I am not sure what you are arguying.

Comment Not worth it (Score 1) 151

868 people out of 968K comes out at roughly ~0.09% got the cancer. If the heavy coffee drinker had a 50% lower risk then naively we got 289 heavy coffee drinker and 579 non coffee drinker. Or a risk of 0.058% for non coffee drinker and 0.029% for heavy coffee drinker. Put in perspective you have 1 chance of out 1700 to get the cancer, and you lower it to 1 chance out of 3400. Not worth being forced to drink the filthy filthy thing.

Comment WiiU=Kiddy Console (Score 1) 190

That's not me stating that but nintendo europe by restricting the adult content for every user beyond 11pm (when presumably kiddy are in bed) to 3am. Meaning in their mind only kids use those console 3am to 11pm. (what happened to have a parental lock?). Thanks Nintendo I now know as an european I don't need to check your offering , because mostly by 11pm either I am going out, or I am asleep at home. And just a wild stab in the dark, but it will be the same for most adult having a job.

Comment Sick leaves (Score 4, Insightful) 670

Aren't in the US sick leaves taken from your holiday ? You might then have your response right there. Because in europe they are not, and you are quite encouraged (at least in my firm) to take the day off when you are a virus mothership spreading thema round coughing.

Comment And this is why a two party system will alway fail (Score 1) 506

There need to be an evolving of ideology, be it by the party itself, or by having more than one party, with the "progressive" party of the day growing in popularity, and the "conservative" dwindling. Conservativism means stagnation. You can only make progress if you are changing. If you want to stay with the "same old" then you stagnate and aren't adapted to new environment. Ideally you have a few party more than 2 which force the main party to compromise toward progression or toward conservation, so you have not too much progress which disrupt your economy/culture, and not too much stagnation. And if a party stagnate too much and starts to be far away removed from world/culture/economy , then it can dwindle to nothing, and the other party picks up, new party be created which shift the progression/stagnation again to be more adapted to world, culture and economy. Naturally there is a risk that the party is too split to arrive to a majority for decision but 1) it happens relatively rarely so far as I see and 2) from the number of anti gov post I see in such threads, you should all be happy of a governement unable to pass a law like DMCA :P. Just kidding. But that shifting of progressive/conservative allows for the "too stagnating" to get dumped out and still have progress

Now what happens with two party ? Stagnation. Because most likely one party will be ultra conservatist, and the other will likely only have the shine of progressive on it. Sure on a few issue the limitation will be clear, but on many others both party will be conservationist, if only to keep their power. Which is why you will never see any election reform in the USA , even if any one aprty got the super-super majority. Or even a reform of IP law to be more citizen-friendly rather than corporate blow job (OK I should not be showing my bias here, but come on , 70 to 95+ years nearly of copyright ? This is downright insane). Now if the population was much more active, went into the streets a lot, yeah maybe that would for ce the two party to reconsider, but as it is now only natural death replacement of rep and dems will change party line : which is not how you want a country politics to work.

Comment Not the correct analogy (Score 1) 325

If you taker packet from somebody without knowing the packet content, hide it on your person or car, then bring it discretely to somebody else, are you a criminal ? In the juridiction I know of, yes you would be seen as a complice of the crime, imagine for example that you are raided while delivering the packet and it turns out it is cocaine, good luck trying to use a defense of "but I did not knew what was inside".

Comment You forgot another category (Score 1) 499

"Those mid-red light runners completely missed that there was a redlight there at all! They didn't run the red-light because they wanted to, they ran the red-light because they weren't paying attention."

Driver which decide that because it is night, right of way ,s tops, and red light are fully optional. I have been nearly killed by enough of those idiot, compared with day when it happens exceedingly rarely. Now red light camera could be useful at a few intersection i know of, where fucking driver thinks that because there seem to be no driver on the other side then it is free for all despite the red light. And I am not even counting the idiot which think because I am on two wheel , right-of-way & stops suddenly stop counting.

Comment Inverse square law destroy your argument (Score 1) 211

The intensity of nearly all signal we put out outside diminush so rapidely as to be non differentiable from galactic noise, within a few AU, maybe 1 LY at most. The only signal which has reached a few dozen LY was the one sent (when was it ? 70 ies ?) from a radio antena a very strong pulse directed at a place far away, and it was 2 times a one minute or two signal. The rest ? Street light ? radio ? TV ? All noise beyond 1 light year.

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