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Comment Re:Expensive (Score 1) 439

More invested != usefully involved. I got treated like a terrorist when I questioned the focus of an entire MONTH on black history, plus various individually focused black days. I was trying to figure out how, with so many races and cultures, they ever made it though the school year learning math. As it turns out, only the squeaky wheel races and cultures get anything more than cursory attention...... No, they didn't consider Irish worthy of note, despite the practical enslavement of indentured servitude as it was actually played out. Turns out my kids weren't even taught about indentured servitude, or the plight of the Irish.

Good times, in the not inclusive, inclusive public schools. My money pays for my kids to think that only blacks were oppressed.

Comment Re:Expensive (Score 1) 439

In the public school system, every added child is added budget. It IS that simple. School board members make obscene amounts of money for making stupidly simple decisions.....stupidly. I may be off track, and even wrong, but I seriously doubt that anywhere near 20% of all public school districts are anywhere near efficient or even learning focused. I see more and more emphasis on salaries, and budgets for extracurriculars/field trips, multicultural BULLSHIT, politically correct BULLSHIT, and sex education BULLSHIT, and less emphasis on actual learning.

I may be wrong. I do only have 3 kids in public schools, grades 3, 7, and 9

Comment Re:Expensive (Score 0, Offtopic) 439

.....So..... You are NOT in favor of a single payer Obama Care? This is Slashdot, where we support bigger government for great justice!

Ok, I don't, and hope you don't either. As you indicated, the government has issues in controlling costs, and saving money is completely outside of scope.

Comment Re:Oh SNAP! (Score 3, Insightful) 274

You are in with the old crowd here. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a few years old, except for Pripyat, and even then the graphics are the most dated part of the game.

And, yes, gameplay is what really matters. I still break out M.U.L.E. occasionally, and, guess who joins? My hardcore gaming kids, aged 8, 12, and 14.

Read that again: Game play IS the top priority in a game's longevity.

Age of Empires
Age of Mythology
Serious Sam
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
Counter Strike (Half-Life1 AND 2 versions)
Quake, Quake2 CTF

These are just a few that drive home the "game play matters" idea. Notice how almost all of those are over 5 years old? My guess is that it is that we are in the era of "Milk the online play", and past the "Make it worthy of replay" era.

Comment Re:Themes (Score 1) 143

You've gotten no virus that you are AWARE of. Smart malware backdoors your PC and keylogs, or uses IRC or similar communication to escalate itself on command. You aren't likely to see that new service running within svchost. I never ran antivirus, until I realized that we are in an age where a decent AV has zero real impact on performance. Even a Windows box, if it is 64 bit, with a modest quad core and 4 or more gigs of RAM, will not feel most antivirus at all. Before you go ape over a modest desktop using 4 cores, realize that AMD has several retail quads between 120 and 200 bucks. I have actually not seen impact on 2.8 Ghz dual core Athlon X2s, as long as there was sufficient memory. The X2s are running sub-$100 right now.

Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 3, Interesting) 80

BGP is, like all routing protocols, very secure in and of itself. The difficulty is that a router peering with all routers on the internet can "inject" bad routes, and the "mail" gets reliably delivered to a wrong address. This is ONLY a difficulty if you can somehow gain access to a router that is directly connected to a backbone, and has peering status. You will have to have your own Autonomous System number also, although I am sure you could fake that.

The only time that I have seen even isolated internet routing issues is due to mis-configuration of the router by the owner. Well, that and the extremely rare (yes, really, it is rare) OWNing of an edge router.

I am not all- knowing on this subject; far from it. If someone has something to add/update/correct, please do.

Comment Re:Its not just the internet (Score 1) 520

And new regulations cost resources. People will still die to idiocy/understaffing. Why don't you focus your ire on the benefits of paying nurses better AND increasing staffing. If nursing pays better, more people choose that route. More pay also means you can have higher standards. More staffing means less overtime hours. Less overtime offsets some of the increase to base pay.

Everyone wins.

Comment Re:Why has no one taken this thread seriously... (Score 1) 520

This is the better approach. No government needed. The industry itself makes a standards group, and self resolves.

People pushing for more government interference on matters like these are likely the same folks wanting to make the millions of illegal immigrants legal, and to further reduce border controls. What happens to already understaffed hospitals when their legitimate patient load goes up by 10% for more than just dire emergencies? BTW, the answer should be self-evident.

Comment Re:Why has no one taken this thread seriously... (Score 1) 520

This is exactly my thinking. the government protecting me from anything needs to be questioned. Despite idealistic notions, mistakes DO happen. The government cannot guarantee anything here. More regulation of stupid, trivial things takes away time and resources that could be spent on preventing serious issues. Like drug side effects, or the extremely long backlog of drugs needing approval to SAVE lives.

Lawsuits are put to good use in instances like these, where the manufacturers don't differentiate fittings or tubing. The FDA is unneeded.

Comment Re:conservatives (Score 1) 759

I don't know about other people's towns, but the wealthy neighborhoods in my town are populated with extreme left liberals. Well, left -appearing-, because if you come after THEIR money, you better bring backup. Many of these people are "directors" for "charities" and non profits. Of course that generous effort that they are always getting praise for is hardly compensated for by the low six figure stipend they get.

If people just looked around them, and actually cared for their fellow man, bought locally, and didn't over spend on credit, we would need almost zero entitlements.

This country is fucked, and BOTH parties are doing us without condoms. Yes, I acknowledge that Repubs fuck us over hard also. I'd just rather have my guns and some semblance of capitalism instead of government programs out the ass, and having others dictate what my family can and can't do in our own home. And again, yes the Patriot Act can also kiss my ass.

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