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Journal Journal: Smoked my own meat 5

Although it is the holy grail of self love among males, Get your mind out of the gutter.

Today i smoked pork ribs of such splendor that I don't know if i'll ever be able to top it.
I have my dry rub pretty much perfected.
But I think I'm ready to graduate from my brinkman to a bigger smoker.

Any other smokers out there with any thoughts?

United States

Journal Journal: Thanks Asshat! 6

Ooh look a spiffy new check for $1200.
Hrmm this is a advance on the child tax credit for this years taxes.
Wait a minute, I figured my withholding and estimated payments back in february figuring the tax credit as part of my over all figure.
Well I just need to turn around and send it back on April 15th. I guess the interest earned will cover the amount of postage.

So remember kids if your in a sitation like mine don't blow the "windfall." It may come around to bite you in about 6 months.

I just realized that this could cause an underpayment penalty in the right circumstances. So I guess I need to recalculate everything before quarterlies are due next month. sheesh.

Whomever gave the president the bright idea for this: Thanks for wasting my time.

Lord of the Rings

Journal Journal: Bleah 5

36 Doesn't feel that bad...


Journal Journal: Spam Filtering 7

Anyone have any good lists or can point to list that can be a good starting point for a spam filter.
I have to write a bunch of rules for a filter and am too lazy to start from scratch.

Hey at least I'm being honest.

Anyway I see a lot of examples but haven't actually seen a list of blocked hosts, etc...
Something like the supertrick hosts files for blocking popups
Actually I think i'm just looking for a good word list.

United States

Journal Journal: Was I trolling? 3

Here some people seemed to think so.

In Reality I'm a big fan of Reagan. No one else could have pulled off what he did on the World and the American people.
Of course I'm a Bigger fan of Nixon simply because he got most of the things he set out to do accomplished.

Others in that thread talked about Carter. He was a weak president but has sure made up for it since then.

I must add that I'm not big on politics, but I know what I like.

The Matrix

Journal Journal: GMHowell's Black People and AA. Here it is EM 14

In his journal gmhowell made me laugh when he was writing about his black associates.

Unfortunately most people get thier views about how black people are supposed to act from TV. This unfortunately includes some black people. This is another topic that I won't talk about except with a black person, but listening to a Chris Rock album will give you an idea.

Truth of the matter is there are successful black people in just about every field imaginable in this country. We are mostly ignored because we don't go around making fools of ourselves in public, griping about every little thing that might hint of unfairness.
Most of us mow our lawns regularly, keep our vehicles/houses in good repair, go to work, church and school without even thinking about how downtrodden and oppressed we are.

With that said, Affirmative Action is a crock of shit.

There have been successful black people in this country since before slavery was abolished. Farmers and Plantation owners in the South (some of whom fought for the confederacy in the War of Northern Aggression.) My own triple great-grandfather was a plasterer in Kentucky making $15000 a year in the 1800's. He owned several slaves who were mostly family members but a few that weren't.
This Woman went from sharecropper to millionare during a time when both women and blacks were 2nd and 3rd class citizens.

The big concern with supporters of Affirmative Action is that there's not enough equal opportunities.

Well boo fuckin hoo.

Life isn't fair. No one ever guaranteed it would be. In most cases everyone was born with 2 arms, 2 legs, a brain and an ass to get up off of and go to work with.
Not everyone has the same talents or drive that is needed to excel above the rest of humanity. Get over it.
Sure some successful or rich people had certain breaks/advantages/inheritances, but a greater number of them throughout time carved out a place for themselves though hard work.
Here's an example with no scientific basis except for the way people are:
If you had 1000 people picked randomly out of the total population of the earth and gave them all $100,000. By the end of the week at least 20 of them wouldn't have any left and nothing to show for it and be deeper in debt. By the end of the month add another 600 would have some left but it's still trickling away. Most of the rest would still have the majority of it. then there's 2(maybe) that not only have the original $100,000 but by the end of the year have managed to at least triple it through loans to the other 998.

Affirmative Action is insulting. I'm being told that my people aren't talented enough, smart enough or to make it without a handout. Well thank you very much whomever supported this crap.

Al Sharpton says that Clarence Thomas isn't the 'right kind of black'. If that ain't the pot (um never mind)
If I ever met Jesse or Al, I would shake their hands and thank them for many years of selling their people short to gain headlines.
Then I would ask them to kiss my high-yella ass.

Side note: My uncle used to be a bodyguard for Jesse Jackson during the early 70's. The family was very surprised that it took as long as it did for the affair thing to come out in the media.

There's many fine examples of Black americans living and dead that should override anything people see in the media. Unfortunately our best face isn't being put forward by our self-proclaimed leaders. Usually these good examples are derided for not "keepin it real".


User Journal

Journal Journal: Beer Notes - I'm addicted. 5

Well i got through the bottling phase. Not as tedious as I thought it would be.
I drank a glass full of the beer that day. It was ok as is. I think it will be really good after a couple of weeks in the bottle.
I'm gearing up to brew a stout this weekend. according to the recipie it will be 3-4 weeks before i can bottle it. So i'll have plenty of time to empty bottles and possibly brew another batch of ale to get me through the summer.


Journal Journal: good Fark thread on spanking 2

No not that kind...
National No-Spank Day
I know a few of you are parents.
what are your views on the matter?
My opinion Spank if it does good. All kids are different and you have to find some way to get across your point.
My oldest daughter I could probably beat 24hrs a day and it wouldn't do any good. So we found another other ways to punish her like taking away tv shows or toys.
Second Daughter all you have to do is look at her mean and she straightens up.
My son is rough and tumble but a quick pat on the butt brings him around.
Third Daughter all we have to do is hug and kiss right now. shes sooooo cute.

Basically dicipline is necessary to set the kid straight no matter what form it takes. But abuse is just plain wrong. If your not getting your point across one way find another. And never dicipline in a fit of anger.


Journal Journal: First batch brewing 8

Welp i've started down a long dark road.
My first batch, A Red Ale kit from brewers best is cooking.
Will update later


Journal Journal: GMHowell: Lead me to the Promised Land 3

Whats the best way for me to get started with home brewing?
Costs, equimpent etc...

My father-in-law makes great wines from his fruit trees and vines.
I'm bored and I need a new hobby.

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