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Comment If they don't understand science, why should you? (Score 1) 395

You look at the bills, you look at laws, you look at the decisions.

It is obvious that most of congress has very little to no understanding of science

If they think that scientific theory and hypotheses are just guesses, why should they fund it?

Especially the ones that believe that evolution doesn't exist and that intelligent design is either science or the equivalent of science.

Comment Want 4G? Live in an urban area (Score 1) 324

Look, there are lots of benefits of scale to living in an urban area.

There are also lots of benefits to living in a rural area

These benefits are not the same. If you want benefits like infrastructure, live where infrastructure makes sense.

If you want to live in the middle of nowhere, all by yourself, enjoy your dialup and/or satellite connection.

Comment Try: You can't fly at night (Score 1) 981

I think that I can see just like everyone else, but I can't see the dot patterns.

Actually, sometimes I CAN see the dot patterns, but even though I can trace them with my finger, I can't see it will enough to tell what the number or pattern is

Because I can't see that dot pattern, I can only fly during the day (fly as in pilots license). I'll also never be instrument rated.

I also can't see some informational graphics. My idiot local newspaper decided to publish election results of a contentious issue by using tones of red or green if counties voted one way or another. I had to ask someone if they could please explain what the results were.

If it limits me in those ways, then it is a disability. It does, and it is.

Comment Clouds not good for old machines (Score 2, Insightful) 109

If this $300M Datacenter was for brand new applications and brand new servers, then they might have a point (probably not, but they might).

But in my experience, cloud computing works best for particular applications, and not as a blanket answer to wholesale moving everything in your datacenter to mystical hardware in the cloud.

I haven't seen anything in cloud computing that can handle main frame and midrange apps, Sun apps, or any of thousands of other requirements that are going to be handled in the $300M Datacenter. In the end, this is just politicians trying to seem cool.

Comment Re:In preparation for the inevitable comments (Score 4, Informative) 147

Yes, thereby forcing anyone with federal funding of any sort that wanted to research on lines that weren't already in place by 2001 to create entirely separate laboratories to work with these new lines.

Gosh, I sure am glad that he supported stem cell research.

Comment Maintenance plan? (Score 1) 248

The eetimes article states a slightly more realistic 4096 processors per rack, or roughly 400,000 processors...

Still, can you imagine the maintenance plan on this beast?
Can you imagine the power and cooling involved?
Even at only 25W per processor, we are talking nearly 10MW of power for the processors alone.

Much more interesting than the machine itself would be an article on how they plan to keep it up and running.

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