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Comment Re:we run Windows because we have to (Score 1) 496

I think you should reconsider your opinion on Windows 2012 server? FYI you can make it CLI only with core!

Windows 2012 is a big upgrade and is very VM ready compared to its past versions with dynamic memory allocation fucking finally, ability, DNS and AD servers are now VM ready, its hypervisor for HYPER V is now a type 1 bare metal that can go toe to toe with VSphere, it supports AD compression between other Windows 8 and 2012 servers. This means your crappy WAN with 100 users on the other side of the T1 can have traffic reduce by 50% (if you put a small Windows server 2012 on other side!)

Server has I/O improvements with SAN where if one volume is busy it will use another. Just because you like being conservative does not mean all change is for the sake of change like what many XP users still think. Windows 7 also was a pretty big upgrade from XP. I go crazy now without aero peak, aero snap, and instant search. Try it? Hit Windows key WOR and enter? Word pops out with no mouse at all. Same for keywords in documents too with instant search. See its more than eye candy from XP.

I personally do not give a c rap about Metro on the server even though its optional because sys admins rarely sit in front of it. Once installed they use the MMC console anyway at their desks.

I agree the purpose of Windows 8 is to sell more copies of Windows phone and for eye candy. But like Vista it is a new slate and I will reserve judgement for Windows 9. The server can actually save money as VSphere is extremely expensiveand this is the first version of Windows that can replace it.

Comment Re:What fud (Score 4, Interesting) 211

Those are freaking fast for AIO and couldceasily trounce both the xboxone and ps4. Sure they are not 7990s in crossfire by any sense of the mean but those are niche and add $1100 to the cost of the system. For even crysis which is the most demanding game you can get by with a 670 gtx or a 7870 just ine. You could also argue a crossfire 7990s are low end too because my $3000 quadro or firepro is soo much better and can support 32 monitors etc.

Comment Re: Disagree (Score 1) 633

I dont care if its opensource or not. Too many people use it. Slashdot had a story last year about it becoming the next IE 6 of html 5. Somethings are being put in to make a better html 5 score on, but are not w3c. An example is touch events in css 3. W3c has a different idea. Its a la IE 5.5/6 boxmodel shenagan all over again which is why corporate apps cant leave IE 6. MS decided to make IE cutting edge (it was in 1999) and made astandard that w3c was workingon. Oops w3c decided to make the padding and the rounding of pixels different and from there IE had its version and Firefox had theirs and now 13 years later IE 6 is still around to run those apps.

In 2020 we will have old versions of android and chrome to render these ancient 2012 CMS systems because one standard was chosen because webkit owned 90% of the mobile market back then and w3c did things differently.

That to me is much more of a threat than IE returning from the deathknell and then ms returning to have its own standards

Comment Re:Steve Jobs Still A Better CEO (Score 1) 633

He was a borderline mental patient who did everything he could to try and ruin Apple but his staff and board and engineers reined him back into reality so they could release sort of good products. I wouldn't put Steve Jobs in charge of walking my dog because somehow he'd find a way to overheat it and embed a non-removeable battery in it.

Take a look at Apple when Steve was there? Take a look at Applexwhen he was not? Any questions?

It maybe hip to hate MS on slashdot but man an Apple world would be much scarier when MS was the ruler. I like Windows 7 and Offfice 2010 and find later IE releases now tollerable. MS no longer is the monoplist and is moving towards standards no. Very different when XP came along with just wmv wma IE 6 with its own javascript and MS css etc. Today Office is moving towards xml and IE with HTML 5. True the ms xml is more proprietary than opendoc and their html 5 uses different touch events but its not the same as the old days.

Comment Re:Disagree (Score 1) 633

They're a very bad influence on the industry and are still trying to regain their monopoly (see: UEFI secure boot).

Funny you state that with a link on Apple :-)

The same was said about IBM and that we should all standardize on Windoze because of the scary OS/2 would monopolize the pc market! Look where that got us?

In 2013 I see Apple still having a monopoly in music and google taking over the web with webkit.

I see the hatred to MS playing a blindeye from the current similiar to anti IBM of the 1980s and 1990s. I want to see Windows phone challengr Apple and Google. I want webkits monopoly on the mobile internet shattered by IE 10/11 mobile. I would like to see Firefox mobile too.

Comment Re:Disagree (Score 1) 633

I also think Windows 7 and Office 2010 as well as IE9/10 are HUGE improvements over older versions. But hey are all went downhill fast with Office 2013 and windows 8.

Comment Re:Disagree (Score 1) 633

He also came out with Windows 7, Office 2010, IE 9/10, and sharepoint 2010 which are the best versions to date and huge improvements over earlier versions under Balmer!

In the last year we saw Office 2013, Windows 8, Vs2012, which are big falls from their heights! Just frustrating as my anti ms views have softened until last year. Balmer did let great improvements.

Comment Re:Let me help you understand those figures (Score 4, Informative) 322

If you're only able to move at 5MPH on average it's not likely you will die in an accident.

I'm not sure why you'd think this is the case in the UK - perhaps you've only tried driving around central London. A few factors affect the relatively low rate of road fatalities in the UK:

The first is the relative difficulty of getting a driving license. You must pass a theory test, which is multiple choice. It's not that difficult, but you can't pass it without having at least read the highway code, even if you can't remember quite all of it. Then you must pass a hazard awareness test, which shows you videos recorded from cars and checks that you are aware of things that may potentially be dangerous and so need your attention. Finally, you need to pass a practical test, which takes 30-60 minutes and involves driving on various kinds of road, where one major fault will result in failure. It's not unusual for people to require 2-3 attempts to pass, with lessons in between

Perhaps more important, however, is that safety statistics are the primary input into the road signal design system. Speed limits are set and traffic lights are installed in response to accident statistics, not (usually) to raise revenue. Police speed traps are also placed according to these rules. The USA has no equivalent system.

Comment Re:Windows is an option today - not an requirement (Score 1) 373

Shit even word doesnt support doc files fully!
Different versions of Windows running the same version of office put different margins on my resume. Libreoffice is a seperate can of worms and I run virtual machines to make sure it looks the same. I feel sorry for the document foundation to work with such a crappy product standard but its the glue that locks people in.

What we need is short of a revolution like a cross between the opendoc format and pixel accurcy of pdf with an add on for Office. After that then I wouldnt have to pay $250 for Office and macosx and Windows

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