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Comment Re: Sure. (Score 1) 238

"Well, except that the $44 bn number includes made up costs that nobody actually PAYS." Oh my sweet summer child. We all pay. That's what that number means. We, or our descendants, are estimated to pay that much in additional health costs, cleanup of the environment, and so on, in the future. Of course it's an estimate, and so the precise number is wrong (which some people revel in pointing out), but it'll be in the right ballpark. If you mean hat no single entity will pay, well yes, well spotted, but what's actually happening is that the polluter is happily dumping this cost at everyone else's door. Think of it as the most regressive tax possible, and one which is completely international. Nice sunsets though.

Comment Re: Think for a second... (Score 1) 222

There was a time when the US would have been manifesting BD energy by taking care of its own _and_ helping the world out by supplying its allies and maybe even those of its enemies it wanted to bring into the fold, as well. Imagine Iran being given the choice between inoculating its population by grace of the US, or having to defend saying no to the opportunity. But hey, nice to see they're back on track taking care of themselves at least.

Comment Advantages of buying an iPhone ... (Score 1) 151

...comma, perceived: - it just works - no malware - no battery hogs - no bait-and-switch apps - long term stability - (and so on) Break open the app store, and suddenly many of these advantages fall be the wayside. It's not as if you don't know what you're getting in to. And in spite of everything, it's still a compelling option for a very large number of people. And if you don't want to sell your stuff there, then don't.

Comment Dear Bee Emm Double-yew ... (Score 3, Informative) 197

... you're essentially being slaughtered by Tesla, with Chinese companies looming, and *this* is the you've time for? Kick out the business optimisers who came up with this shit, and replace them with some engineers. Your stockholders want returns from a company that actually still exists, rearranging the fucking deck chairs is not the right thing to do right now.

Comment Re: Attacking a woman? (Score 1) 670

Ooh - false dichotomy. I love those. It's of the category "Have you stopped beating your dog yet?". Well? Have you? Have you? It's a simple yes or no answer. Why are you not answering? So - yes, it is OK to attack a woman in a debate in the same way you would attack a man, unless you are attacking her for being a woman. Oh my gosh. Turns out your question was all wrong, and that there was no simple yes or no answer without qualification.

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