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Comment Re:5000 people annually (Score 1) 103

You want to bring up cost effective? Well fuck you, economics should have ZERO argument in this issue. Clean the fucking things up.

It's called Doing the Right goddamn thing.

Whose responsibility is it to clean them up? Everybody's? If so, then why is it the "Right" thing to expend my resources on this problem rather than in one of any number of other ways that will have a greater impact?

Comment Subjects suck. (Score 1) 103

It is estimated that there are 110 million landmines in the ground right now; one for every 52 inhabitants on the planet.

52 (people/mine) * 110 million (mines) = 5.72 billion people. Unless there's been a recent disaster that killed off more than a billion people that I didn't hear about, I think their math's a little off.

Comment Re:Stupid question from a non-astronomer (Score 5, Interesting) 142

The Wikipedia article on dark matter discusses this in depth. Although I'm no astrophysicist and can't vouch for the article's accuracy, it does outline some of the reasons why those studying it believe that objects like this cannot account for the amount of dark matter required to explain how galaxies behave.

Comment Hey Soulskill! (Score 1, Offtopic) 113

Hey Soulskill -- JImbob0i0 may be a new submitter, but you're not a new editor. How about editing the content of the submission so that it actually makes sense?

What exactly is it they pay you to do? I'm sure I could write a shell script that would randomly select a few stories every day to copy to the front page.

Comment Re:Capital gains plus corporate income (Score 1) 320

My understanding is that capital gains tax is lower because the business you're investing in has already paid its half in corporate income tax.

Not really; after all, the government has no trouble "double-taxing" money any time you give them half a chance; and if that was really the concern then the amount of time that the investment was held wouldn't matter. The fundamental reason for the lower tax rate is to encourage long-term investment -- and the theory is that by so doing, corporations have a better opportunity to be profitable (which of course translates into more incoming tax dollars.)

Comment Re:Of 1000? (Score 1) 467

Even if just 56% of them become rich that's good enough a chance for me.

The thing is that being a millionaire really isn't the same as being rich.

Think about it -- if you were of retirement age today, how much would you want in assets to feel comfortable retiring? A quarter million? A half million?

Now consider the amount of time that you actually have left until then. Depending on how long it will be, a half million dollars today will very likely be equivalent to over a million when you will need it.

I would venture to say that most people who are relatively early in their careers, and expect to be able to put away the money they'll need for retirement, should expect to be worth at least a million dollars at some point in their lives -- and that won't be being rich; that's just going to be "comfortable."

Comment Re:Ukraine's borders were changed by use of force (Score 1) 304

Wait -- you originally said that "I see no reason that people should be trapped in a country they don't want to be a part of." Indicating that you think that having the people move to a country that they want to be a part of is not acceptable. But for some reason, you don't believe that the "losers" of this referendum are "trapped" in the same way. That seems rather contradictory.

Comment Re:Ukraine's borders were changed by use of force (Score 1) 304

Although that sounds reasonable at first, it leads to a lot of problematic situations. One obvious example in this case there is a minority of people in Crimea that are strongly against it, but because of the tyranny of the majority they have been forced to join Russia. Why should those people be "trapped in a country they don't want to be a part of"?

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