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Comment Re: Time to grade on a curve (Score 1) 282

Rabbit hole starting here: https://www.vox.com/platform/a...

Your bodyâ(TM)s hormones wonâ(TM)t allow you to have a net energy deficit daily if it can avoid it.

Iâ(TM)ve âoeprovenâ this casually for 30 days trying to reach nerds not to be obese and have worked with hundreds of folks if not thousands.

You canâ(TM)t outrun the kitchen unless youâ(TM)re in a rare 1-2% of people who can.

Everyone else? The gym builds muscle but doesnâ(TM)t burn fat.

Comment Re:shocker! (Score 1) 54

the corporations are full of shitbags, news at 11

FTFY. Oh, and an offtopic educational link for you grocers and foreigners and others who don't understand English:
I see enough of that shit on Farcebook. Note, I've been staying away from /. for the same reason, the normals have taken over the site.

Comment Re:Poor prediction of inflation last time around (Score 0) 83

This is mindless.

Companies have to raise prices during fearful times in order to profit now so they can cover the potential losses later.

I jacked my prices up BIG TIME in early COVID because I didn't know if I would be out of work in 2 years. I made a fortune in 2020 and half a fortune in 2021 as things equalized and nothing really bad happened.

I deserved that profit for taking a risk, tho. If things would have gotten shut down for me, I would have had enough cash to weather 2-3 years of outage and rebuild my businesses.

To wit, fuck you for your collectivism.

Comment Re:Make that PUBMTATMTBAOITS (Score 1) 53

That's why they changed it from "Unidentified Flying Object" to "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena". The one I saw a half century ago was certainly not a space ship, unless Douglas Adams was right about scale, because it was smaller than a basketball. It was bright and fuzzy, rode next to my car for a couple of miles until I crossed a stream, when it zigged at 45 MPH at a right angle and followed the stream.

I wondered what it was for years before I learned about ball lightning, which is what it had to have been. My guess is ball lightning is a lot more common up there where the fighter jets play.

Comment Re: More like... (Score 1) 183

I am no conservative nor MAGA fan but I do believe Facebook etc acted as State actors during Covid and should be regulated as a State entity.

I have only registered and voted Democrat in my entire life and I am serious about putting some of these social network barons up in front of the Nuremberg courts version 2.

Comment Re:Voting strategy from Scott Adams (Score 5, Insightful) 138

single issue voting is how we get so many so called "pro life" politicians who are corrupt as hell and absolute shitheels on everything else. Too many dumbasses fall for their marketing on one issue and neglect to look into anything else.
The Feds need to just end the farce that is "The War on Drugs" and start rolling back all the civil rights abusing legislation that was passed to support it. They aren't any closer to ending drug abuse than when they started this nonsense in 1914.

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