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Comment Re:Sputtering bunsen burner (Score 2) 137

Reality = the $800 Panasonic camcorder and Azden shotgun mic + Audio-Technica wireless lav & handhelds that are the Slashdot standard video gear are at least as good as a Canon XH A1, which was the high-def successor to the XL1.

XLR mic inputs are only really necessary if you're dealing with music and need big audio bandwidth. And nowadays, you might as well use a Zoom H4 for sound, and it will provide phantom power and give you two channels of directional sound through external mics plus 2 channels of ambient. This assumes you either own a copy of pluraleyes or know how to synch audio manually.


Comment The movie TANK scared me (Score 1) 212

I saw the movie TANK -- -- in the on-post movie theater at Ft. Hood, TX, which at the time was home to the world's largest concentration of tanks. And one of the most boring spots on this planet. Watching a theater full of young tank crew guys cheer this movie was a bit scary. How many of them would go back to their units and decide to take out a bar in Killeen (nearby town) where they'd been short-changed or something like that? Or maybe invade Mexico for the hell of it, an idea for which I actually drew up a battle plan and submitted it through the Army Suggestion Program, where it got all the way up to the Post Commander, who thought it was a fine idea and that it sounded like fun but didn't think the Pentagon or White House would approve.

Anyway, you can't really think about the cost of the military working with a film production company as a true cost. Aside from recruiting value, the military does lots of training-type stuff when a unit or ship isn't actively engaged in combat, and what the heck - they might as well make a movie while they're practicing carrier take offs and landings or clandestine insertions or whatever.


Comment Re:Robin 'Roblimo' Miller (Score 2) 233

I have asked the people who run Slashdot these days to handle videos differently, and I am refusing to have my name anywhere near the more blatantly promotional ones.

Realize that I am doing this in spite of the nasty cursers and insulters, not because of them.

FYI - there have been some decent/informative videos, and there will be more of them in the future. Some will like them, some won't.

- Robin


Submission + - Viewfinity CEO Leonid Shtilman Says Many Computer Users are Overprivileged

Roblimo writes: This isn't about your place in society, but about user privileges on your computers and computer networks. The more privileges, the more risk of getting hacked and having Bad People do Bad Things to your company's computers, right? So Shtilman's company, Viewfinity, offers SaaS that helps you grant system privileges in a more granular manner than just allowing "root" and "user" accounts with nothing in between.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Hord Tipton of Talks About Getting into the IT Security Field (Video)

IT Security is an ever-growing field. Every year more hackers and crackers try to steal you bank PIN number, mess up your nuclear fuel centrifuges, jam your attack drones’ control signals, steal your company passwords an other secrets and. it goes on and on, to the point where, Hord says, over two million (2,000,000) new IT security people will be needed in the next few years. Should you be one of them? Do you have the skills to be one of them? If not, can you acquire those skills?

Comment Re:Transcripts (Score 1) 96

I've tried to contact you about doing video transcripts for $$. Either the email associated with your UID is dead or you don't check it. So if you see this, please email robin at roblimo dot com.

Just about everybody who gets paid to work on Slashdot started out as a volunteer or random poster, so you'd just be the latest one to go pro.

- Robin

Comment Re:Frederik Pohl (Score 1) 1244

Totally. Also -- more obscure -- his Kornbluth collaborations: - Idiocracy was obviously ripped from this, not that it was a 100% original theme for Pohl & Kornbluth, either.

A Pohl Collab with Jack Williamson, The Reefs of Space - could be the most visually striking SF film ever made. I've been waiting to see it since I first read the book in 1959.

Another too-cool book and possible movie candidate - The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester. Neil Gaiman (one of my favorite living authors) called this the first cyberpunk novel. Neil is right about that. It is also one of the finest "high concept" SF novels ever written, and was so far ahead of its time (1956) that a lot of reviewers panned it.

Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
The stars my destination

This should be a movie. If you don't believe me, ask Neal Stephenson. He has no doubt read and liked this novel.

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