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Comment Re:Look. Listen. See. Hear. (Score 0) 115

China is bad. Precisely, CCP is bad. CCCP was too. Treat them as such. No pussy-footing around. There is a saying the goes something like this. "The only good commie is a dead commie." Make no excuses for China. They. Are. The. Definition. Of. Evil.

Evil? Have you heard of Google? Facebook? Microsoft? Amazon? Walmart? De Beers?

Comment Costs? (Score 1) 69

Knowing that the prison system charges an obscene amount for phone calls, I'm wondering who will pay for this? Will this be an additional charge on top of how much they charge for phone calls? Will the "AI company" be paying the prison system for access to the data they'll harvest?

Comment Re:Add loan caps tied to the college major (Score 1) 485

Why tie a loan to the earning potential of a degree? Just because you have a degree in history doesn't mean you have to go into the field of... umm... err.. history!

A degree gets you past the HR drones and that's it. You get hired based on experience and NOT your ed-u-ma-kay-shun. No one gives a shit about Tarantino's educational background. They care about his previous films. If you got a masters in film, that does NOT mean you're the next Tarantino.

Anyone who takes a loan out for school knows the risk and it's made abundantly clear through the entire loan process - every year.

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