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Comment Re:Remove suggestive dialog options (Score 2) 333

Okay, I'll buy that, but why would they have to do that at all? If all the female NPCs have flirty options for males and all the male NPCs have flirty options for women, just use those existing options.

i.e., change this:

if( ( player.gender() == male && NPC.gender() == female ) || ( player.gender() == female && NPC.gender() == male ) )
        dialogChoice.flirty == true;


dialogChoice.flirty == true;

Comment Re:Good Advice (Score 2) 316

Where my ex works, they had to get rid of sick days.

See, everyone got 10 sick days a year but they were bankable. So you had people coming in baked out of their minds on cold meds getting everyone else sick and banking the time to use as extra vacation time.

What they ended up doing was giving everyone unlimited sick days that switch to STD once you go 30 days in a row. Abusers are dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Comment Re:This sounds good, but what is consent here? (Score 2) 24

anything can be thought of as imminent risk to security.

That's exactly what I was thinking. If the ISP is able to make the decision on their own, this won't prevent much other than the general monitoring of all traffic. It would still be very easy for them to see a large amount of traffic to one customer and decide that it might represent an imminent risk for one reason or another.

ISP decision making in Canada:

1. Will this cost more money than doing fuck all?

2. Do fuck all.

3. Profit.

Comment Re:Can we have real USB SSDs? (Score 3, Interesting) 170

I've never seen a good movie adaptation of a book. LotR was pretty good, but so much went missing or was different than what we imagined...

The worst I've ever seen was The Postman. It's one of the best sci-fi books I've ever read. I re-read it last month, and there were parts that brought a tear to my eye.

We should clone a mammoth just because we can. I mean, holy shit, a mammoth. We could do it too.

Comment Re:Can we have real USB SSDs? (Score 1) 170

Holy crap, not only did someone make a Jurassic Park reference, but I got it without having to look it up.

You realize it's been twenty freaking years since that movie came out? I remember playing the theme song in my high school band. Sometimes I look at the guy in the mirror and wonder where the wrinkles and gray hair came from.

Then my nine-year-old daughter asks me to get out of the bathroom so she can do her hair before she goes to her mom's house.

"Oh, right."

Comment Re:US Metric System (Score 1) 1387

Metric isn't arbitrary.

A meter is some even division of the earth's circumference. I can't remember exactly what it is but that's not really important.

A gram is the weight of pure water that will fit into a cubic centimeter. (A cube made up of one hundredth of a meter on each side)

The rest is powers of ten of those natural numbers.

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