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Comment Re:I will go a different direction (Score 1) 696

The debt ceiling is directly related to the problem of endless borrowing and spending of both parties. Capitol Hill understands that it would be better to default, pay higher interest rates on borrowed money, in an attempt to slow down overall spending because it will cost more to do.

Defaulting is the best option because future borrowing costs would soar, forcing the govt to immediately begin to live within its means. Yes it means gloom, despair, and agony on all of us for an indeterminate period of time. Better that that implosion of the US when we can no longer use the dollar to buy imports because no one will accept it. When that happens you will wish we HAD defaulted.

Comment Re:Link (Score 1) 295

Actually, the data gathering was in part carried out by the Nielson Company (was in the original ESA subscriber newsletter), but they did fail to list ALL of their sources within the document. However, next to the Baby Boomers, "Generation X" is the 2nd largest demographic of people in the USA and it does make rather obvious sense in what the ESA is saying. As I posted in another comment, the ESA's official public review of the data can be found here if you are interested.

Comment The real source (Score 1) 295

I'm not sure why, but my original submission source link did not carry over to the actual post on /. for some reason. First time submitting, so I figure I'll figure it out next time.

In any case, all of these stories out there from C|NET and TIME originate from an ESA Subscriber document posted Monday with analytic data in it. However, you have to be a subscriber to see the raw data. Their official summary of the data is posted here if you are interested.

Personally, I found the data intriguing and since I too fit within their specified demographic (as do many of you), found it news worthy.


Submission + - Average gamer is 37 years old (cnet.com)

kolbe writes: "A new study from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) suggests that a majority of gamers today range between the ages of 37 and 41 years old. If true, does this mean that game studio's should be adjusting their demographics accordingly, is Generation X the next "baby boomer" market for the gaming industry?"

Submission + - Android security practices? 1

Soft writes: Smartphone security recommendations seem to boil down to Windows-like practices: install an antivirus, run updates, and don't execute apps from untrusted sources. On my own computers, running Linux, I choose to only install (signed) packages from the distribution's or well-known repositories, or programs I can check and compile myself, or run them as a dedicated user--and I don't bother with an antivirus.

What rules should I adopt on my soon-to-be-bought Android device? Can I use it purely with open-source apps and still make the most of it? Are Android's fine-grained permissions (accessing the network, contacts...) reliable? Can apps be trusted not to scan your files and keyboard for passwords and emails? What precautions do security-conscious Slashdotters take to keep control of their phones?

Submission + - This story contains classified information (fas.org)

decora writes: "By reading this story, you are transferring classified material onto your computer system. This may make you in violation of many of the same laws that are alleged against Bradley Manning, Thomas Drake, and other federal criminal defendants. Here it is:

“Dawn was an awkward time of day when night-vision goggles were not effective, and it was hard to distinguish anything more than gray and purple shapes.”"


Submission + - Mars Orbiter Finds Buried Dry Ice Lake (ibtimes.com)

RedEaredSlider writes: NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has found a giant buried deposit of dry ice, which could be evidence that Mars once had a thicker atmosphere and was able to have more water on its surface.

The orbiter's ground-penetrating radar found the dry ice, which is frozen carbon dioxide, near the planet's south pole. The scientists think that when Mars' axial tilt increases, the carbon dioxide turns into a gas, thickening the atmosphere. The result would be more intense dust storms, but also a wider range of areas where liquid water could exist.


Submission + - US Competitiveness Chief Immelt's GE Tax Bill: $0 1

theodp writes: 'He understands what it takes for America to compete in the global economy,' President Obama said of GE CEO Jeff Immelt, as he announced Immelt would chair the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. On Friday, the NY Times reported that one trick Immelt employs to keep GE competitive is paying no American tax bill. In fact, GE claimed a 2010 tax benefit of $3.2B on worldwide profits of $14.2B, $5.1B of which came from US operations. According to the NYT, GE's extraordinary tax-avoidance success is based on an aggressive strategy that mixes fierce lobbying for tax breaks and innovative accounting that enables it to concentrate its profits offshore. GE’s giant tax department is led by a former Treasury official whose 975-member team includes former officials not just from the Treasury, but also from the IRS and virtually all the tax-writing committees in Congress. GE's return to rock-bottom tax rates marks a dramatic reversal from the mid-80's when President Regan reacted to corporate accounting gamesmanship and supported a change that closed loopholes and required GE to pay a far higher effective rate, up to 32.5%. 'That GE can almost set its own tax rate shows how very much we need reform,' said Rep. Lloyd Doggett. 'Our tax system should encourage job creation and investment in America and end these tax incentives for exporting jobs and dodging responsibility for the cost of securing our country.'

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