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Comment Names are arbitrary ... (Score 4, Insightful) 258

what matters is that they do not change -- so people know what the name refers to. So what it if is named after some pompous old git or beautiful lady ?

What next: how about food, should we rename the Peach Melba, the Sandwich or Garibaldi biscuit ? Then start on drinks Earl Grey tea, Tom Collins or Incredible Hulk!

Have some people not got better things to do ?

Comment Re:Simply put, "People are irresponsible." (Score 1) 300

Those people are somebody else - not me. I consume what I do because I need to, I drop litter because I am too busy to pick it up; it is only little old me, what I do is miniscule and will not affect the planet -- it is the huge number of others that are responsible.

The above is unfortunately how many see things - it is not their responsibility; why should they behave better when others do not. Complete lunacy but the sort of thing that I hear enough from not just ordinary individuals but politicians who ought to know better. These creeps pollute our world for their benefit.

I praise those who try hard to protect the planet knowing that what they do will have little effect - but that millions like them can change the world.

Comment Re:Don't buy HP. (Score 3, Informative) 30

Friends dont let friends buy inkjet.

AFIK, there is no other way to get high quality photo prints

How many people need many high quality photo prints ? For most of us, most of the time a laser is good enough; for the odd occasion that you need high quality pop down to your local shop that has a machine to print them.

Comment Re:Similar to (Score 2) 97

I live in the UK, I do not have a TV license as I do not watch it neither broadcast nor over the Internet. They send me a letter once a month with blood curdling threats about what they are going to do to me all over the envelope; inside, on the second page, a mention that I do not need a license if I do not watch it. They know that I do not watch TV - I told the man who came to visit some 4 years ago. I find what they are doing threatening, if I were to do the same to someone who used to be a customer I suspect that I would be visited by the police.

It must be costing them to continue this assault on me. I see no reason why I should waste my time to contact them to say that I do not need a license -- anyway: they would only start hassling me again in a couple of years.

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