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Comment Why is it (Score 2) 153

The patent system is an exercise in frustration, correct? You can't find anything you're looking for, and when you get sued, it's something that even having a good lawyer on your side protecting your intellectual property, chances are someone somewhere will have invented something similar to what you did so it's an exercise in futility.... What does this have the net effect of doing? Now think carefully on this, and I'll clue you in: IT creates a FREE DISTRIBUTION of your intellectual property. Is this good? I'd argue to say not only is it good. The lawyers have accomplished the impossible. How: They've ensured the continued distribution of ideas freely to other people such as yourself in ways you as a scientist, programmer, or author don't fully comprehend. And here's what's funny. The lawyers GET IT. They understand this much more than you give them credit. Beyond what you can imagine, in fact... I'd argue they are single handedly SAVING this country from themselves, because they're smart enough to take us away from this 'cyclic mindless chasing the money' and making you question - why is this happening over and over again..... Now you 'blame' the lawyers, because of your short-sightedness. I used to do the same thing, until I realized... Something that oddly enough lawyers caught on to some time ago that scientists have yet to catch on to: That reality is created by imagination, Is it any wonder we can't seem to nail down a speed of light constant? It's because we're chasing a number. Is it any wonder we can't figure out if the LHC exhibited particles that were faster than the speed of light? This one project demonstrates clearly those who dont have imagination versus those who do. So think about it this way: Had the ideas for the patents NOT been released, then chances are we'd not have the ideas(since the imagination of others link to us as suggested by quantum theory and entanglement). However, since lawyers are actively pursuing 'releasing' of all 'intellectual property', smartly I might add, the ideas are 'accelerating at a rapid pace'... Think about the ideas of being a byproduct of life. Not a byproduct of your wonderful imagination.... So when someone says "'The explosion of litigation we are seeing is a reflection of how the patent system wires us for innovation.'" Is it incomprehensible for you to consider, these lawyers are freeing your minds? ... a Morpheus like hmmm.....

Submission + - (Humorous) Revolutionary! Can you imagine a president like this? (

MakersDirector writes: "And I quote:

When you vote for President this Tuesday....

How'd you like to have someone in office who: a) Admits their issues and shortcomings PRIOR to office (I'm often a pervert and am a recovering drug addict and love video games) b) Is currently unemployed and could USE this job to help others get jobs c) As a first act, would take away all gates and fences from the White House (like in the old days) and invite people to the 'front lawn' to hang out for bbq's and stuff... d) As a second Act not act like they knew everything and would ask Romney and Obama BOTH to be their Vice Presidents, like a traditional company you cant have just one, so why are we acting like there should be one here? After all, I'm going to need help with my Vices, so it only makes sense to have two Vice Presidents.

How about REALLY rocking the vote? If you vote for me, I'm: "Brian Scott Gregory born in Orange, Calif, living in Vancouver, Washington social security number ending in 3795"

My campaign slogan is "Hindsight is 2020", referring to how I'll work to make time travel FREELY available to everyone by that year (clever, I know!). After all, we're all energy in a simulation. Why should playing and exploring be limited to 'those in power'...."

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