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Comment Uhm error correction logic? (Score 1) 73

It reminds me of a time a new employee had to manually enter a barcode that the scanner wouldn't pickup. Accidentally that employee enter numbers but also a letter. Too the application and main DB down. Employee was nearly fired on the spot...but unlike other managers I like to do long, thorough RCAs and it was then that I learned the application is shit. It will take ANY manual input as valid and try and write that into a DB cells whose properties are expecting numbers only. A cascade of odd behaviours but different optimisation scripts and legacy app function then completely locks a live production system. The new employee kept their job and lead developer was nearly fired (I did try to can his lazy stupid ass but he was deemed too valuable) and we implemented basic error detection and correction logic and guess what? Shitty barcode entries never crashed the system again. The fact this is a system for air traffic control makes me wonder who the fuck in their right minds can imagine it's OK to blame what is essentially incorrect user input as a cause for the entire system to fail?! I'm sure there's a lot more detail and nuance but ultimately if you manage a system you manage the uptime, the performance, the availability, the integrity, the DR & the BCP for it. Shocking that this can happen and actually did.

Comment Short term (Score 5, Insightful) 347

...but long-term you stubborn employers have lost the battle. Remote work has been proven to be possible, reliable, more efficient and allows for better work life balance. The genie is out of the bottle. So to heck with you and your "gotta watch them bums in seats" backwards thinking fools.

Comment Time for a new approach (Score 1) 99

They have been looking for Nessie before and they couldn't find her because they used conventional means.

If they are serious about finding the Loch Ness Monster then it's time to call a real Monster Hunter. It's time to call Natalie Artemis or even The Hunter.

Comment Catch me if you can (Score 1) 205

By the time they'll figure out how to deal with hardcore ad-dodgers we'll be one step ahead or adapt quickly. Once upon a time the MPAA & RIAA types waged war on the pirate a similar vein to America's war on drugs... Drugs have halted. Piracy has halted and soon as dodging will halt...right?

Comment Another experiment (Score 1) 54

Can we lock politicians on a simulated different planet for a year and just get but with civil servants that are held to account of a higher standard anyhow? It's be interesting. Firstly to see if we can survive without them. Secondly to see if they will resort to cannibalism and eat each other to survive so we can learn who they really are without the scripts, speech prep and "staying on message". The one that endured the hardship in the nicest, most caring way and has his mates backs gets to leave and still remain a politician. Heck maybe we can do this every time anyone is running for elections. It's just too easy to talk a good game and the totally not deliver once elected. Harder to fake it through real hardship, isolation and having to work in a team over a long period.

Comment This is false (Score 1) 167

We all know the US is collaborating with China to cover up the lab leak because they wanted to control us and make big pharma money on vaccines by implanting us with 5G chips. I wasn't vaccinated and I did not get COVID and I know people that got vaccinated and got COVID. So vaccines don't work. So there. Proof of the cover-up. They can't fool me because I followed the money. *Cue x-files theme music*

Comment Actually perfect (Score 3, Insightful) 27 know I dislike this whole Metaverse soeil BUT a show like E3 can really translate well to being in VR. VR tourism will become a thing on e it's affordable and of sufficiently high quality...and if it's some fancy even that only lasts a few days why travel far and spend on accommodation etc when you can just put your VR headset on and see the bits you really want to? It's perfect for the Metaverse.

Comment OK but (Score 1) 248

Has calculator use increased? Text to speech? Audio books? Imagine in 200 years no one will read books because it'll be some VR experience injection into your brain. Sure it's. A stat worth understanding but is it really a problem? A lot of these alarmist stat repeaters are going to be cloned by AI soon...and the teachers Roth online classrooms/AI It's already starting.

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