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Comment Re:Much More Worrying... (Score 1) 180

I thought Texas was part of Mexico?...
Anyway, I think NATO disagrees with you, considering the attempts to whip up an anti-Russia 'Feindbild' in Europe and the US in order to justify continuation of its existence.
NATO is a bureaucracy, and bureaucracies don't want to die, even if they become useless.
Although... Russia may not be militarily threatening to invade Europe (anymore), but the economic block that would arise if Russia would join Germany economically is actually a big threat to the American Empire at the moment, as it was for the last more than one hundred years.
And that's the actual reason why Russia is villified so much, in order to keep Eastern and Western Europe politically and economically separated.

Comment Re:A great leap backwards (Score 1) 375

You're measuring it wrong. America isn't afraid of its current GDP, but, as I implicated in my reply to haruchai, for its possible cooperation with Western Europe, especially Germany.
Just listen to the opposition by German industries against the current sanctions against Russia.
They don't like it at all, so there clearly is a 'want' for doing business with Russia.
Join the Russian resources with the German capital and knowledge 'et voila', there is your threat (as seen by America).

Comment Re: A great leap backwards (Score 1) 375

Actually it was Wall Street that brought us communism by adopting, feeding, grooming and paying Trotsky for his work, after completion of which they sent him off with a train load of gold to start a revolution in Tsarist Russia.
This worked quite well and the Tsar and his family were (savagely, as a warning) wiped off the face of the earth.
And all of that because the Tsar had refused the Rothschild bankers a Central Bank modeled to the British one.
Just saying. :)

Comment Re:A great leap backwards (Score 1) 375

It's not that America would want something that Russia has, it's that America is afraid as hell that Eastern Europe (Russia) and Western Europe (and especially Germany) would join in a megalomaniacally strong economic block that would make America insignificant in comparison.
Already more than 100 years America is trying to prevent that, and quite successfully.

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