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Comment This problem just cannot be solved (Score 2) 126

If only there was a way to have credit card owners approve each charge through the entering of some kind of a pin.

If only credit card numbers weren't special since what really mattered was signed transactions.

If only every consumer had a personal device capable of signing transactions in his pocket at almost all times.

Call me a dreamer, but someday in the next hundred years, I think that all those "huge" technological problems could be solved and we could end this problem of having our credit card and social security numbers being exposed.

Comment Re:TSA will steal your stuff too (Score 1) 178

It's nice to know that Ben Franklin was so incredibly right:

      "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

We've done this to ourselves. We've given these goons so much money and power to make us all safe from terrrrusts, and now our liberty and our safety are greatly diminished.

Comment Re:Zuckerberg should be in prison. (Score 1) 90

I wasn't aware of the hacking accusation for Zuckerberg (if it wasn't in the Social Network, I haven't really paid attention) - but those things only look similar on a technical level.

"The Palin Hacker" was hacking in the cause of subverting an election. As a society, we take messing with the election process a lot more seriously than we do messing with random web sites of would-be college entrepreneurs.

Comment Re:Can we please... (Score 1) 227

No kidding. Joe Biden would be this decade's Dan Quayle if he were a Republican. They'd be showing the bit where he asked the guy in the wheelchair to stand up over and over on the Daily Show. You'd see constant mention of his quote that "J-O-B-S, JOBS!" is a three letter word.

It's funny how the press seems to give him a pass. Such a mystery of the universe.

Comment Re:Oh good... (Score 1) 569

Global Warming/Climate Change is not about the Earth being at all time record temps and therefore when it cools all is okay. Call it Global Heat Redistribution because all the Climate Patterns are changing. It's the Change that is screwing with the Earth's general climate patterns. Sudden drops in electromagnetic energy from the Sun will provide a rapid shift in those Climate Patterns, once again, and during the change the Earth will take a beating. Repeat and rinse. Our increasing of pollution that weakens our Atmosphere makes the impact of such drastic shifts more of a reality, not less.

CO2 elevations raise the heat retention of the atmosphere. They don't "weaken" the atmosphere. If the solar cycle decreases the amount of energy stored in the atmosphere and that's offset by the CO2 retention, it could be beneficial to life on Earth.

Please stick to logic and science. Don't use climate change as the bogeyman that's out to get us no matter what we do, like some kind of Jason from Friday the 13th.

Comment Re:Two-way street (Score 1) 384

Because the police have an extraordinarily strong lobby and our elected representatives aren't interested in protecting our individual liberties.

A video recording is different because it completely shatters the long-held power that the police had of being believed. I'll never forget learning that simple truth in college when a police officer wrongly accused a friend of mine and I of doing something completely fabricated. We had our description of the actual events, the cop had some made-up story. Guess who the judge believed?

Cops have had the protection of belief for way too long. They've abused that power and even with pervasive video, they will continue to abuse that power.

Fortunately, for cases when it is available, video is the great equalizer. Cops don't like to have equal footing with citizens. They want to be right. They want to be believed. They want to have all the power.

Comment Re:Aside from hype, Apple's real policy... (Score 1) 601

Question: where speeding is (in most cases) not criminal, and the purported goal of speed traps is for safety, not revenue collection, drivers flashing their headlamps achieves the oft-stated goal: getting drivers to slow down. Why should they care if people slow down a couple thousand feet before the speed trap? You would think that if the real purpose of speed traps is to increase safety (study after study after study have consistently demonstrated that speeding in and of itself is not dangerous) then they would encourage ANY means to get drivers to slow down. Calling it obstruction of justice is idiotic because it shows that all they care about is revenue.

By that logic, wouldn't it be okay for me to warn a drug dealer that a cop was coming up the street in the interest of getting him to stop selling drugs?

I could see where the police would argue that getting a ticket is a much greater deterrent against future speeding than just having headlights flashed at you.

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