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Comment Re:Curiouser (Score 1) 22

Since when did it make sense for a shareholder to sue their own company?

If the shareholder believes that the majority of the population are paying attention to cybersecurity news (they're not), then usage of Zoom is about to trend towards 0. At which point the shares will be worthless. But if they can sue and win money, they may make a profit in what otherwise would be a loss scenario.

Comment Re:The 5G thing is big currently in Apocolyptic (Score 1) 335

The 5G thing is big currently in Apocalyptic Christian Circles.

I'm pretty sure the big thing right now is the Covid-19 vaccine. They're predicting that whenever a vaccine is developed, that everyone will be required to get it. And if you don't get it, then you won't be allowed to shop, etc. Making the vaccine the Mark of the Beast.

Comment Re:What about political rallies? (Score 1) 94

All this talk of cancelling things like sports matches, concerts and other things, why aren't things like political rallies (including those for Trump) being restricted as well?

I think we should keep Trump rallies going. It'd be good for the voting population overall.

Comment Re:To be fair, it wasn't always imagined as an app (Score 4, Interesting) 166

Some think that the representation of this fruit as an apple came about due to a bit of a pun in Latin, because malus means evil in Latin, while malum means apple.

It's my understanding that it gets associated with an apple because of artwork in northern Europe, particularly in tapestries. Bright red apples stand out noticeably more than other fruits that northern Europeans would have been familiar with, so bright red became the default artistic choice to represent the fruit in tapestries and paintings.

Comment Re:Donald Trump is above the Law (Score 1, Insightful) 690

How is taking the most drastic action that the Congress can take less destabilizing to a fractured nation more appropriate than voting him out in 9 months?

Because what he is doing is unjustly manipulating the voting process. The vote is no longer as trustworthy as it once was.

You can't say that by winning a game of poker is the way to prove that you didn't cheat at that game of poker.

Comment Re:Donald Trump is above the Law (Score 1) 690

He's allowed to ignore Congressional subpoenas according to the Constitution. It's called Executive Privilege.

Executive Privilege isn't in the Constitution. What is in the Constitution is that Congress has oversight of the Executive branch. How can they have oversight if the Executive branch constantly hides what they are doing?

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