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Comment It would really suck... (Score 1) 132

It would really suck if the lunar substrate turned out to be far more rigid (what with the cold of space) than we thought, and this impact set up a resonant frequency that shook all the surface lunar dust OFF, and the Earth's gravity drew it all in, causing the Ultimate Lunar Winter. It's The End Of The World As We Know It.

Holy crap! I think I just invented the next Michael Bay movie!

I do hereby claim 25% of the movie revenue. If only to make it too unprofitable (to stop the madness).

Comment Re:Trust is your most valuable asset. (Score 1) 219

My home town newspaper long ago switched to hiring high school students in place of long term professionals. They may be paid journalists, but they are so wet behind the ears that the newspaper is a joke. The publisher is vain, too: she loves the SPCA and refuses to publish stories when someone embezzles $50,000 from the local SPCA. They've had embezzlement at least three times that I know of. And the corruption. Dear God how they enable corruption!

So actually, yeah, I expect that many blogs are more trustworthy.


Submission + - Novell suddenly requiring maintenance on products

An anonymous reader writes: Novell recently sent out an email to their partners stating: "To further encourage more customers to take advantage of the comprehensive benefits a maintenance contract provides, Novell is announcing that as of November 15, 2009, maintenance or subscription authorization will be required to access service packs and patches (excluding stand-alone security patches) for most Novell products. In early 2010, we will extend this initiative to include Technical Information Documents (TIDs) in the Novell Support Knowledgebase for products in the general support phase of the product lifecycle." In discussion at the Novell Forums, the full letter from John Dragoon was posted at: — other posts by Novell employees included "We absolutely believe there is tremendous value in Novell's patches, service packs and other intellectual property and that the cost of providing these services should not be solely born by current maintenance customers. Even with this revised policy, there are still a number of valuable services available without a maintenance contract including stand-alone security patches, access to core support knowledgebase content, product documentation, product evaluation versions, collateral, and access to Cool Solutions and various Novell Support Forums. The new policy also does not impact customers of the SUSE Linux Enterprise product line. It will also not apply to NetWare or products that have moved beyond general support phase of the product lifecycle. Finally, ALA/SLA customers will continue to have access to all patches, service packs and knowledgebase content for the products they own." — one side effect of is that they have asked that any of the volunteers who help answer customer questions in their support forums to "to paraphrase and even do select quoting of these TIDs as long as it isn't just a copy/paste of the entire thing." There is a lot of discussion happening at but the general consensus is that this is a bad decision on Novell's part, especially in asking for customers to have software maintenance just to access patches and support articles for problems with products the customers already own.

Comment Re:Important emails (Score 1) 184

I would argue that allowing a little bit of dishonor 'because it's my personal life' is a bad idea in government. There is a person in our District Attorney's office (former DA) who has been sued for sexual harassment. Specifically, "If you want the promotion, I'll need a blowjob" sexual harassment. Of course, the defendant says it was merely philandery gone bad.

You would give him the right to delete evidence? (Because it's none of the public's business)?

I don't see the problem with just demanding honor, particularly wrt retention of evidence. If you don't want to be called a dirty old man, don't BE a dirty old man. The evidence takes care of itself that way.

Comment Re:Question to the exchange sys admins (Score 1) 184

Depends on if they have daily backups that are retained that long. So if there really are 180 tapes that have to be loaded (more like 170, as the most recent tapes are probably still in the library), and each restore takes about one hour of work to do, and the employees involved get paid about $30 per hour, then yes that works out to about $5,000. Where I work, it takes longer than an hour to retrieve a set of tapes because the tapes are sent-off site (you are paying for travel time and mileage), and one has to unload current tapes, do the restore, unload the archive tapes, and reload the current tapes. Then take the archive tapes back to off-site storage. We don't do daily tapes though.

Comment Re:Very interesting (Score 1) 10

It would really suck if the stimulation portion of it only managed to dilate a small vein in a kidney. ;-)

(I'm sure the positioning of the implant was designed to maximize the likely impact of electrical stimulation. But the D'oh! possibility makes a funny.)

Comment Dude - it isn't that hard (Score 1) 5

Help & Preferences --> Your Preferences --> Classic index --> General. Enable "Use Classic Index". Save changes.

Help & Preferences --> Your Preferences --> Discussions --> Discussion Style. Select "Slashdot Classic Discussion System". Save changes.

It's all better now. And when Taco and friends run a database query, they will see one more person in the "prefers /. classic" camp.

Comment Very interesting (Score 1) 10

This really is at the frontier of human + machine integration. Is this an analog antenna x 100? Man it would be fun to work on the signal processing aspect. I suppose a hard problem is figuring out what the type of signal recorded says about the placement of implant.

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