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Comment Awesome, when can I build it into my closet? (Score 1) 441

Seriously, it's 2017 and I still have to drag my clothes all around the house to wash and dry them. What can't that just happen in my closet? On hangers?

Same thing with dishes -- why do they have to go into the dishwasher? Why can't I just put them back into the cupboard and turn it on?

Come on, science, I'm inconvenienced still. Make it so.

Comment Children's book - Murderfest (Score 1) 175

My kids, now 7 and 8, have heard the Hobbit twice now. They love it, it's one of their favorite books.

I was SO pumped to have a good, new version of it in movie form to show them, but unfortunately, they still haven't seen it, because it turned into a WWE/UFC wet dream somehow.

Sure, there are battles in the book, but the movies were pure gorefests. It's more violent than the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

I'll never understand Hollywood.

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Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.
