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Journal Journal: Pentagon Abandons Active-Duty Time Limit 1

AP Military Writer
January 11, 2007

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon has abandoned its limit on the time a citizen-soldier can be required to serve on active duty, officials said Thursday, a major change that reflects an Army stretched thin by longer-than-expected combat in Iraq.


Submission + - New Year's Resolutions Revealed

njkid1 writes: "With three new consoles on the market battling it out and the continued strength of the portable space, 2007 is sure to be an exciting year for the game industry. But what are your resolutions for the New Year? Also see wht the top gaming pros had to say!! =14945&ncid=AOLGAM000500000000012"
The Media

Submission + - Biodiesel from pond scum

An anonymous reader writes: At, there is a report that the Utah State University Biofuels program is working on a way to create biodiesel from pond scum. They say that they can get 200 times as much biodiesel per acre than you can by using soybeans, and that it can be done on land that is not prime agricultural land.
United States

Does Income Inequality Matter? 1186

theodp is concerned about the following: "Alarmed by Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein's record-setting $53M bonus, Charles Wheelan (aka The Naked Economist) argues that income inequality matters. Wheelan notes that the Gini Coefficient (a measure of income inequality) for the U.S. has been moving away from countries like Japan and Sweden and closer to that of Brazil, where the murder rate is 5X that of NYC and crime is materially impacting GDP."
User Journal

Journal Journal: MUSIC: Song of the Day: "I Must Have Been Blind" - B. Perry 12

I Must Have Been Blind - Performed by Brendan Perry (formerly of Dead Can Dance)
From: Eye of the Hunter
Written by: Tim Buckley

Here I am believing words again
Here I am trying to find your love again
Here I am down on my knees again
Praying for a love we used to know


Submission + - 2007: The year of the 9,999 vulnerabilities?

coj writes: "Pascal Meunier of CERIAS has posted an examination of trends in National Vulnerability Database. The number of vulnerabilities found yearly has greatly increased since 2003, and the average increase of 48% since 2002 indicates that breaking 10,000 vulnerabilities in 2007 is a real possibility. This may be problematic for some vulnerability tracking systems."

Submission + - Daily Reading

CMDR_Noob writes: I'm kind of new to the IT industry and would love to find out what sites other slashdotters include in their daily reading. I know that every IT professional as well as the rest of the population of the world have certain sites they go to every day, and I like to know where other IT Pros/geeks go. I personally check out Techdirt and Engadget, along with Google Tech News. Slashdot was shown to me by a friend and is now part of me daily reading too.

Submission + - Web 2.0 Re-examined from an Enterprise Perspective

An anonymous reader writes: Rich Internet Application pioneer Coach Wei posted a fairly comprehensive essay titled "Web 2.0 Re-examined: The Paradigm Shift, Technology Stack and Business Value" by looking at web 2.0 from an enterprise perspective, in contrast to the common consumer-centric perspective. Categorizing the landscape into Consumer Web 2.0 and Enterprise Web 2.0, the essay articulates a technology paradigm shift called "architecture of partition" (in contrast to the "architecture of participation" usage paradigm shift). It goes further to explain a web 2.0 technology stack such as enterprise mashup server and application client container. In the end, the business impact of web 2.0 technologies on enterprises is presented. What do you think?

Submission + - Software Quality

Anonymous PHB writes: As a former techie turned pointy hair boss (PHB), I procure more than my fair share of expensive software to meet business needs. It seems that the quality of "enterprise" software has been dropping faster than the sale of Zunes. Cases in point, firewall software that failed to handle FTP connections, intrusion detection software than dropped 90%+ of packets, packet capture software that refuses to install. To limit the risk of poor quality software, I tend to buy software from larger, reputable companies or support contracts from companies who implement open source. When possible, I run proof of concepts before signing on the dotted line. What tricks do you use to ensure that software qualtiy prior to purchase?
PlayStation (Games)

Submission + - PS2 still the highest selling game console

Van Cutter Romney writes: "The PlayStation 2 remained the highest selling game console over the holiday season with 1.4 million units sold. This was more than the XBOX 360 which sold 1.1 million units; the Nintendo Wii which sold 604,000 units and lastly the PS3 selling 491,000 units. The PS2's high sales volume is attributed to its recent price reduction from $149 to $129.

Among games, Gears of War for XBOX 360 was the top grosser followed by Guitar Hero 2 for the PS2."

Submission + - Brightest Comet in 30 Years Visible in SOHO Images

anthemaniac writes: The brightest comet in 30 years is now entering the field of view of the SOHO spacecraft, and it's simply stunning. Many skywatchers were frustrated because Comet McNaught was about as bright as Jupiter but it was so low on the horizon that it was very hard to spot. Now it's easy to see without even going outside. Next up: Folks in the Southern Hemisphere will get a good look at the comet starting Sunday.
Media (Apple)

Apple is DRM's Biggest Backer 400

parvenu74 writes "Arstechnica is running an article pointing out that while some pockets of the entertainment industry are experimenting with DRM-free distribution, Apple Inc, which announced that they have now sold over 2,000,000,000 songs on iTunes, is now the strongest pro-DRM force in digial media. From the article: 'DRM is dying. It's a statement being echoed with increasing frequency around the Web over the last few weeks, and is perhaps best articulated in this Billboard article. But there's a powerful force standing in the way of this DRM-free panacea, and it might not be the one you expect: Apple, Inc.'"

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