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Comment Even then... (Score 1) 403

Sure, there are probably 5% of people who could truly benefit from an SDD, but with new low power drives, what do you gain, 10-20 minutes out of a 5-7 hour battery!?!? It;s simply NOT worth it.

For the price difference, you could easily pick up a spare battery. And then you're doubling your power time.

Comment The supplies aren't in China (Score 3, Interesting) 159

You just might be surprised at how fast the producers fall in line with the Chinese government after one or two are executed.

Unless you're implying China is going to assassinate foreign industrialists, you're apparently confused. Most of the known reserves of rare earth metals aren't in China - the problem, for Japan, is that China has negotiated exclusive trading rights with several developing countries over their stocks of rare earth metals. So the local governments may even be in on this 'black market' - the problem is that if they openly sell directly to Japanese companies, China will bring suit against them in the WTO.

Comment Nothing (period) is truly tamper-proof (Score 3, Interesting) 221

Sorry, but that's an oxymoron. It may be tamper-resistant (and some wireless devices have pretty good tamper resistance), but nothing that can be controlled wirelessly is tamper proof.

Any time you see 'X'-proof in a description, you know they're bullshitting you. There's never been a lock made that couldn't be picked or bypassed in some way.

The real question is whether it's worth the hassle - hasn't London's experiences shown that CCTV cameras either get broken or people just move into the blind spot to do something they don't want seen?

Comment Easy to remember false answers. (Score 2, Interesting) 231

Which is why I always answer security questions from the perspective of my high school D&D characters.

So unless the crackers get access to one of the other six people from that group (and assuming they actually remember any of that from almost two decades ago), they can try my real birth place all day long.

Comment Hitting the bottom (Score 1) 811

A person has the right to destroy himself if he so desires. It is neither your place, nor your obligation to intercede in the matter, except when he is hurting others who can't help themselves in the process (i.e. his children).

I completely agree with the first part, and completely disagree with the second. Most people only quit an addiction when they have lost their job, their family, their friends.*

If the family/friends just pretend like nothing is happening, then it's just going to take longer before that person realizes how bad things really are. I'm not advocating the friend trying to physically restrain him from playing - but let him know in a reasonable tone that he thinks he is endangering his well-being with the computer, and that you can't keep being his friend if all he wants to do is play the game.

* Some people still don't do it then, but that's besides the point.

Comment Re:I'm thankful I live in Canada (Score 2, Insightful) 589

In Canada, a defendant has to prove a statement true,

You say this like its a bad thing . . . My phones aren't tapped regardless of the law

What does that have to do with the fact that, in Canada, at least, you are guilty until proven innocent in 'hate speech' cases? Sure, some things may be better up in the Great White North, but defending against one accusation by bringing up completely unrelated points isn't very effective debating.

Comment Re:Just get the pointy objects moving fast enough (Score 1) 828

You're assuming that the pointy objects need to stay in the first person. With enough velocity, it goes through person one, out the other side, through the intervening space, and through person two.

If (Number of Attackers) exceeds (number of pointy objects) by more than two times, than the minimum velocity is whatever will pass through two people & penetrate a third.

Comment But it's not the fall that kills you (Score 2, Informative) 828

ALL interaction between bits o' matter (at least all that you are likely to encounter on a given day) is either via gravity or electromagnetism. It's gravity if you are dropping it, it's electromagnetism if you are bashing it against another piece of matter. The repelling forces between like-charged electron clouds are what causes the 'solidity' of matter.

Unless your weapon of choice is a singularity, it's not the gravity itself that is causing injury. So, all the listed items in the poll really boil down to some form of electromagnetism for their lethal component.

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