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Comment Re:Absolute IDIOT!!! (Score 1) 391

Why the hell would I talk about walls? If there is a breach in my walls, the elements get through and I freeze to death. Not even remotely the same thing as with masks. Infection is a statistics game.

And the whole thing about illegal immigration is that the US, especially those with money, WANT it. It keeps workers from being too uppity and start demanding what they have in other western countries. Talk about the wall is just distraction.

Comment Re:Effectiveness was never the real question (Score 1) 391

Wearing the mask also exposes people to the virus. The point is, the viral load gets lower. And the data says around 12% of Americans worse masks in public at least semi-regularly.

Masks are incredibly efficient. If worn. Even if they're taken off while eating. That's what the tests and the data says. Anything else is religion.

Comment Re:Absolute IDIOT!!! (Score 4, Interesting) 391

And here we see a perfect example of the binary reasoning in effect. If masks do not stop 100% of particles, they are ineffective.

That's not how masks work, and that is not the point of wearing masks. Masks exist to reduce the probability of getting infected, by reducing the viral load. Even 5% effectiveness at that can be enough to lower the viral load to the point where the immune system can handle it. But not even a simple cloth wrapped around the head is that inefficient.

Evren a mask which does not meet specification and is used improperly will do its job, and reduce the viral load the wearer and others receive. If everyone improperly wears masks which do not meed specification, thousands, if not tens of thousands, of lives are saved, and long covid would be a parenthesis in history instead of a major problem.

Comment Re:Effectiveness was never the real question (Score 2) 391

That's not how they argue. The arguments are "I wore a mask and got covid anywa, masks don't work", and "if I take my mask off to eat, I nullify the effect of the mask, so I might as well not wear one."

You're giving the naysayers WAY too much credit here. The reasoning in most people is extremely binary. Masks work if they make you immune to getting sick, and if they do not, you might as well not wear one because they do not work.

Comment Re: Glad thatâ(TM)s settled. (Score 2) 391

Washing a mask destroys its abilty to function as intended. The fibers work by electrostatic attraction to small particles, and that is destroyed completely by immersion in liquid. Hang it up when not in use, and the viruses in it will die, and as long as it's not visibly contaminated it will remain safe and functional for a long time.

There is no evidence what so ever that a mask becomes a "cumulative boihazard after a few weeks". On the contrary, it will still reduce virus load in both directions.

Comment Re:So why the change (Score 3, Informative) 84

That's because OpenSolaris never was fully open. It contained lots of binary drivers and libraries. This also lead to stability problems. It never got to the point where the main users of Solaris and its specific features could use OpenSolaris instead, and when it was abandoned it was in a state where a huge amount of work was left to get to that point.

So it never actually was an open source, much less Free, version of Solaris. It was a much more limited version which meant it didn't have much to compete with Linux and *BSD with.

An OpenSolaris which was stable and actually provided the throughput and excellent virtualization on a wide range of generic hardware would have been a game changer.

Instead we have a Solaris which is being maintained with a skeleton crew, and a few OpenSolaris forks futilely competing with FreeBSD, and Linux starting to catch up on features and performance. Solaris is basically dead at this point.

Comment Re:I guess I'm nobody then. (Score 3, Interesting) 74

So your use case is somehow that you want to keep patching an old kernel, on top of which you have an old userspace which does not get patches in that way, and use it for... what?

If you need security updates, you need those for your whole chain. And you won't get that. You will be forced to update userspace anyway, meaning you will need to deal with all the breakage no matter what. The kernel won't give you any of that, it's remarkably backwards compatible.

And if you're keeping a stable userspace because you don't need security updates, then you don't need kernel updates either. As you note, if they run, they run.

Nothing about what you state makes any sense. I call bullshit on this whole scenario clearly invented to cast shade and sow discord.

Comment Re:A Loaded Question (Score 1) 162

Whatever the reason, it means votes do not have equal value, and the person with the most votes is often not elected to hold office.

What other countries call "bribes" are in the US called "campaign contributions".

And Gerrymandering is legal, in practice meaning politicians elect politicians.

The NSA spies on foreign companies, providing information on them to US companies.

The US is completely corrupt. It should be barred from trade with civilized nations.

Comment Re: compete on the merits (Score 1) 162

Your argument is that which was used against Linux in the mid 90's. No significant industry was dependent on Linux, and there was no (perceived) real commercial reason to adopt Linux at all. It was just an open license operating system.

The whole point of open license microprocessor technology is to elevate the entire market, like Linux has done. All killing it will do is decrease consumer choice, increase costs, and entrench existing players. It's pure destruction of capital, all to perhaps (and I really mean perhaps) slightly delay a political opponent.

Which is of course the point of this proposed legislative effort. At least in part.

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