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Comment Re:Was getting useless (Score 1) 286

Here's a search I did at work today: atomic_cas_int. Totally unhelpfully it changes the query: "Showing results for atomic casting". Wait, what? That's not what I said?! Want to SUGGEST 'atomic casting', go right ahead, but change my query?!

Guess I'll have to add quotes in the future, which inhibits this insipid behavior.

Comment Re:Ya missed one.. (Score 1) 628

Oh, there's nothing unfortunate about that. The expansion of the financial sector is likely to blame for a lot of the economic inefficiencies that exist today (people on the inside will of course claim the opposite, that all that debt bundling and selling to 'bag holders' (turned out to be you and me!) that led to a crash was making the market more efficient).

Comment You have lose. (Score 3, Insightful) 328

Don't be retarded, there's no way they have to STORE your phone POSITION months and months back. I doubt they even have to store it at all for it to work. If it were merely information deduced from billing as in "you were somewhere in area X because you made a call through carrier Y which is only active there", that's another thing. That's not what this is. This is the systematic tracking of data beyond that which is necessary for the network to work.

Comment Feedback (Score 1) 674

According to a documentary I watched before this aired, they DID put feedback in and specifically mentioned this very problem. I guess they either took it out (possibly because of time-constraints or even rules about live play), or it malfunctioned.

Comment Revolution (Score 2, Insightful) 225

If you're part of a revolution, being able to communicate digitally with your local peers is just as important as being able to communicate with someone at the other end of the world. Cheap plugs that build/connect a wireless mesh network could achieve that goal. I feel like most people in this thread aren't thinking big enough. The revolution isn't happening in the outback, think "central and crowded". The main problem might be getting one plug to cover enough area that it network can form at all, but should be a solvable problem. They'd also have to be configurable enough to be resilient to any cheap/directed attack (so not using a hard-coded frequency, whatever)

Comment Don't be surprised, it's a scam. (Score 5, Informative) 141

You shouldn't be surprised, because typically these bounties state that you get some percentage of the money collected as damages through a court, but most cases are never reach that state, they're settled out of court. The idea that you can "turn someone in and become rich" is but a dream; in all likelihood you'll never see a dime. You'll just be that guy.

Comment The Playing Victim Pattern (Score 5, Insightful) 76

I see a pattern wrt fraudsters who go out and tell the press that they suddenly fear for their very lives from the people they've previously felt so good about extorting. This guy is doing it, and Darl McBride was doing it. Same pattern. Both use hyperbole without evidence, and they never contact the authorities, just the press. A press who then, disgustingly, report what the scumbags said verbatim without reflection.

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