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Comment Re:No Good (Score 3, Insightful) 553

That's exactly what I did... only the minimum amount (to get the extra game) too, especially since the EFF didn't participate this time.

I think I'm also going to allocate zero to the "Humble Tip" in at least the next few future bundles because of this.

Don't do it - reward good behavior whenever it's displayed. With businesses, like with dogs, grudge-based punishment only confuses your message.

Comment Re:What a load. (Score 1) 376

Another comment suggested that only 5 year olds and those that think like them would appreciate Lucas. Are we not supposed to retain a childlike portion of our identity growing up into adulthood?

Yes, but the one that makes you like the prequels is the same one responsible for eating buggers and drooling.

Comment Re:Ha Ha (Score 2) 376

Like we're giving her any attention. This. Is. SLASHDOT! She's just a reminder of an excuse (RotS) for us to vent our collective rage/smartassery. We won't remember her in twenty minutes, except as a tiny extra layer of righteous indignation should we accidentally encounter RotS again.

Comment Re:Nothing new here (Score 4, Insightful) 657

Home Built PCs tend to follow a simple formula if you're jinxed and don't know what the hell you're doing.

Really, that's pure FUD. First, if you can't properly diagnose hardware, what the hell are you doing building a computer yourself? Second, that only happens when you don't properly select your components. The only things you shouldn't skimp on are memory modules and the PSU. Especially the PSU. Funnily, that's exactly where some of the popular manufacturers cut costs, since they can spend the same amount of money on an i3-based machine with a good PSU or an i5-based machine with a crappy PSU. Since they "hey, it's an i5" is way better advertising than "hey, it has a good part that you probably never heard of and therefore don't care about", they all go for the i5 and then you're possibly fucked on the long term because almost every part of your PC is being fed incorrect voltages (and that can be insanely hard to diagnose at home if you don't know what you're looking for). They also tend to invest as little in cooling as possible, so at most you get an extra fan. Build correctly and you can do way, way better than any manufacturer. After all, they must pay their employees and profit from sales, and no amount of black magic will let them do it while charging you as much as the cost of the components.

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