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Comment All the News that's Fit to Twist and Bend (Score 2, Informative) 108

>and a community on the eastern outskirts of Phoenix went without tap water for most of the year...

That certainly sounds dire, doesn't it? The story there is that the community was previously using water that was not allocated to it, had plenty of time to get that cleared up, and decided to just ignore the problem. It was a totally self-inflicted issue caused by complacent stupidity.

Of course, Arizona is Republican territory, so.

Comment Market bubble going up! (Score 1) 102

It seems like all of the big tech companies are pushing this imaginary "AI" scheme. I'm sure it's profitable at the moment but, there's nothing but a breath of air in those bubbles, and the soap is drying out.

So, what are we thinking? NASDAQ collapse next year, or later this year? Major recession?

Comment Can we all admit this is a political witch hunt? (Score 0) 18

Nobody believes that Tiktok is any more abusive than all the other light entertainments out there.

"& obligations to protect minors" Yes, we get it, "won't somebody PLEASE think of the children!"'s unstopping bullshit aimed to target the feeble-minded.

This is all about stiggin' it to China.

Comment Re:lawsuits means no purchases (Score 2) 42

I gather that you're new to this but, the first lawsuits about this that I can remember was against cassette tapes and VCRs. In order for you to make a proper statement, you'll have to go back to LP records and video on film.

Maybe you get a thrill out of finding a pile of CDs at a thrift store but, even at $1/each, they're cruddy old physical media. You can't just ask for any song you want.

Comment Nudity is, of course, the #1 cause of brain damage (Score 0, Troll) 24

This is the reason all American babies are required by law to be born wearing a complete suit or dress. We have to admire Britain for tackling the grave issue that people have parts, and parts are always scandalous, which is why everyone should be required to wear burkas. Imagine the prison time if anyone finds out you have fingers! Oh, my gosh, what those can get up to. Horrifying.

Comment Re:Legislators have never written software (Score 1) 50

Right! People usually accept having a dictatorship implicitly as described by the concept of the social contract, or because they are averse to being killed!

You might look up the definition of "social contract", which is just a description of various social structures, and often not a recommendation at all. Of course, some people do like the concept of a "social contract" whereby the people are controlled by a King or Queen. The ones who approve are the King or Queen and, of course they know what's best for everyone else, or else.

Having pointless and/or evil rules is a definite consequence of organizing a society of millions (only millions?) of individuals, to be sure. A rule that pi = 3.0 is still never going to be practical to enforce.

Comment Re:One question (Score 2) 127

It's too heavy to wear all day. I've found so far that after a couple of hours or so I want to take it off for a bit, even when laying down. It's a truly amazing product, but it's still gen 1. in a couple of years or so it should be much better.

I take it you're not aware that 3D video goggles like this have been around since at least the 1980s. This is not a "gen 1" product by any means. It's the latest in a long series of devices that have always flopped.

Maybe they'll be useful in another decade or two.

Comment ChatGPT is a programming language, or adjacent (Score 1) 64

Microsoft is allegedly trying to limit the functionality of ChatGPT to do what you tell it to do. Your problem here is, it's designed to be very flexible about doing what you tell it to do, and that is actually one of its main features. It can't be removed, or you won't have a ChatGPT.

They can't "fix" this. People will immediately come up with work-arounds.

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