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Comment May I suggest: (Score 2) 287

Oracle Portals! You want bindings? Check. You want unnecessary abstraction? Check. You want portlets? Check. You want to empty your pockets for Larry Ellison? Check. Any 20-something neckbeard can write a Rails app. Most teenagers and hackers kluge up a PHP app without much trouble. You can't spit without hitting another 'extremely mature' PHP framework. But it takes real balls and lots of money to create an Oracle Portals app that sucks anyway and makes you all want to commit suicide. Why do you think you need a web framework? What exactly does this small web based business do besides process a few forms? It doesn't matter really. Talking about it and asking /. a bunch of vague questions won't get any work done. In my experience, frameworks are the source of most evils. The pyramid of sand has no internal scaffolding.

Submission + - Feature film shot on a smartphone to get theatrica (latimes.com)

darkjohnson writes: "Facebook's former CPO Chris Kelly and Randi Zuckerberg (yes, Mark's sister) team up with an independent film maker to produce the first feature length film targeting a theatrical release and Oscar nod.

They MacGyvered together special lenses and mounts to get the footage using Nokia's N8 smartphone, clever monkeys.

Is this a gimmick to get the film noticed? Sure. Is it also a valid way to produce a feature length film? The Academy may just get to vote on that."


Submission + - Half Life of a Tech Worker is 15 Years 1

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "Matt Heusser writes that when he went to work for Google all the people he met had a sort of early-twenties look to them. "Like the characters in Microserfs, these were “firstees”, young adults in the middle of the first things like life: First job out of college, first house, first child, first mini-van," writes Heusser. "This is what struck me: Where were the old dudes?" and then he realized something very important — you get fifteen years. "That is to say, your half-life as a worker in corporate America is about age thirty-five. Around that time, interviews get tougher. Your obligations make you less open to relocation, the technologies on your resume seem less-current, and your ability find that next gig begins to decrease." By thirty-five, half the folks who started in technology have gone on to something else — perhaps management, consulting, on to roles in “the business” or in operations. "Yet a few stick it out. Half of the half-life is fifty, and, sure, perhaps 25% of the folks who started as line technologists will still be doing that when they turn fifty," adds Heusser. "But by the time you turn thirty-five, you’d better have a plan.""

Comment Re:Americans (Score 1) 631

Well, people in the USA want fair wages for their jobs. In countries with no minimum wage or extremely low or unenforceable minimums exist, people will do whatever they can to survive. People are not crying for jobs they don't want. They just want the money they spend going to American workers, not to Asian and South American governments and conglomerates who do not pay their workers fair wages.

Comment Re:Duh! (Score 0) 122

Let me axe you a kweschun: Are you some kind of for-en-er? China then turns the weakening dollar into massive reserves by manipulating their currency. This is a bigger problem than spying, but spying is part of the whole US-China problem. The big problem will come later when US companies/govt. make us completely dependent on China for food. That's a scary situation which we should be working against now. Ban Chinese manufactured imports. That includes everything Apple makes in China. See what that does in the long run for the US economy.

Comment Re:I think this man is retarded (Score 1) 107

The philosophy of a corporation doesn't always align with its strategy, as in this case. To increase market share the way Microsoft does is what I would consider 'directly evil'. Google's strategy of "throw it at the wall, see what sticks" is maybe evil as a byproduct of its being somewhat irresponsible.

Comment Re:I think this man is retarded (Score 1) 107

"He's basically accusing them of behaving like Microsoft." You mean like a corporation? I think he's whining. He wants people to come to him for approval. "...if we could have worked with them in the development phase" Do companies have teams of product specialists who go around asking "What outside parties can we involve in the development phase to make this project take longer?" I don't think so.

Comment Re:Coming very soon, world brands from China (Score 1) 151

BYD cars are knockoffs of popular cars. So much so that some BYD dealerships were switching the logos, selling them as their much more expensive originals. BYD has apologized recently, saying the behavior of the dealerships is 'embarrassing'. http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2008/fortune/0810/gallery.china_cars.fortune/index.html BYD, Geely and other big manufacturers in China are constantly lying about everything they do. I believe it's part of the culture unfortunately.

Comment OLD news (Score 1) 195

Either my memory is faulty, or this is really old. Anyhow, not worth the effort to check. It's old and unexciting. My third leg doesn't quite reach the ground, and is not articulated as far as I know. I never seen a human walk like this.

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