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Comment Do not be (merely) evil (Score 1) 22

Monetize evil.
But this slashdot is propaganda. Google needs badly to show it's not a monopoly and to define the word search to cover a bigger market place of ideas to dilute its monopoly appearance.

Google isn't afraid of apple they are afraid of congressional legislation

So phony dramas like this are going to be seeded into the news by google

Comment hotter than sun isn't hard to do (Score 1) 124

Things like laser plasmas , ion beans and even ultrasonic cavitation produce temperatures hotter than sun in micro environments.

If your deposition process uses such extremes it's plausible it creates adhesions beyond normal coatings and thus perhaps more durable. The latter of course isn't assured

Comment Acid rain? (Score 1) 27

I recall from the 1970s discussions of projects requiring large numbers of rocket launches. The killer problem then was that each launch was seeding huge amounts of undesired chemicals into to upper atmosphere and calculations showed significant impacts.

Did rocket propellants change enough that this isn't an issue any more?

Comment Bully pulpit (Score 1) 148

The term bully pulpit is a superlative not a pejorative. It's the right and perhaps obligation of people in positions of prominence to advocate for causes. Moreover it's something expected of politicians not something they are supposed to avoid. So it's quite normal

Now one can ask if it goes beyond advocacy to coercive. We've seen that in a past administration where like a mafia don the advocacy would be "nice bussiness you have there, shame if the government messes it up for you".
In this case I don't see a problem. The requests seem All in the public interest and even when imperfect in hindsight not intended for political or personal gain. There's nothing wrong with advocating for caution in speech as it isn't taking away your right to speak.

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